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Chernarus National Security Force (CNSF) Recruiting Players!

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Alright sign me up. My lone wolf dayz were destined to come to an end sooner or later.

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ive tried to contact you but i have gotten no response


Really? I been on skype/steam almost 24/7. Did you fill out an application? That way i'd contact you.

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Be Wary,

VOPA, (Viral Outbreak Protection Agency) operating in the state of Chernarus has classified this unrecognized force as a terrorist group with malicious intent.


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Do you Know of the CQF (Chernaurus Quarantine Force) they are group like yours and last i read they merged with a group called the First Calvary Marines and have tons of players, if you went to war with them i would watch any video you had with a battle between the two of your groups.

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Be Wary,

VOPA, (Viral Outbreak Protection Agency) operating in the state of Chernarus has classified this unrecognized force as a terrorist group with malicious intent.


We are too well armed and organized to be stopped without hacks. The day that occurs is the day we wouldn't be bored. Any group that blatantly attacks us are bandits, since we are an anti-bandit group.

Banditry groups such as VOPA are KoS.

Do you Know of the CQF (Chernaurus Quarantine Force) they are group like yours and last i read they merged with a group called the First Calvary Marines and have tons of players, if you went to war with them i would watch any video you had with a battle between the two of your groups.

No, sorry i don't seem to know them. This isn't Eve Online. We are only at war with bandits and gangs. We control major cities like Elektro and Cherno. We hand out supplies, offer aid, and commence search and destroy missions on bandits and snipers.

You know that warm feeling you get when you help someone? It's what we seek.

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I like the general idea of this kind of group, just because I'm tired of carebears and some opposition for bandits is actually welcome. But geez guys, at least us bandits openly admit to just shoot everybody who has valuable stuff and don't make up some strange "rules" about why we shoot the guy or not.

Tell me about it, these ROE clans are so unnecessary. Hurr durr, theres a guy over there let me check my ROE.

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anyone with a sniper rifle = bandit mentality is just retarded, anyone with half a brain will scope out a town before hand or have someone overwatch with a rifle as they go into town.

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Hurr durr, theres a guy over there let me check my ROE.

If you don't have the mental capacity to memorize a single page of rules, you probably don't belong in this group. It takes about 2 minutes to read them and they are incredibly simple.

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Pathetic that there are so many trolls. They just jelly. Scoping out a city huh? More like on sniper hill in Elektro killing players for your own sadistic enjoyment.

17 year old players MAY join but you'll be on probationary status longer than usual. Its on a case by case basis. I won't take anyone below 16. That's pushing it.

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I submitted my forum sir! Please be make haste on your decision as I am eager to join an begin fun having SIR!

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Pathetic that there are so many trolls. They just jelly. Scoping out a city huh? More like on sniper hill in Elektro killing players for your own sadistic enjoyment.

Troll ? I was stating my opinion, I've never gone sniping at Elekto, nor have I ever killed someone who didn't fire at me first.

Are you seriously telling me your team doesn't scope out cities ? you just run in without any sort of overwatch do you? doesn't sound like a very tactically minded group if that's true, and if it's not then arn't you being a bit hypocritical ?

But whatever, it's Dayz you're free to shoot whoever you please, just don't go around calling yourself survivors if you're going to be KOSing anyone not in your group just because of what weapon they happen to be holding.

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Troll ? I was stating my opinion, I've never gone sniping at Elekto, nor have I ever killed someone who didn't fire at me first.

Are you seriously telling me your team doesn't scope out cities ? you just run in without any sort of overwatch do you? doesn't sound like a very tactically minded group if that's true, and if it's not then arn't you being a bit hypocritical ?

But whatever, it's Dayz you're free to shoot whoever you please, just don't go around calling yourself survivors if you're going to be KOSing anyone not in your group just because of what weapon they happen to be holding.

We have our own server. Yet if we do an operation we server hop. We simply log in some random area in Elektro. We are tired of placing snipers on the hills because people always get them from behind. We have such a large well equipped group that we always win with overwhelming force. Then people call in other clans and we slap them.

I don't nerd-rage nor QQ like you though. If you killed one of our snipers i wouldn't be mad. Why? Because all snipers are out for blood. Good or bad. That's the difference. Your the hypocrite.

We don't call ourselves survivors. We are the Chernarus National Security Force. Role-playing state police. You'll know it's us once you see us.

Edited by joeaguirre0

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I have to say, playing as a CNSF member far surpasses the amount of fun I've had doing anything else in this game.

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When our squad engaged you in Elektro, We lost 2 (not surprising, you had numbers) however one member of your group (you all have the same outfit so it's pretty easy to tell - even saw Joe careening around in a truck) didn't die after taking 6 DRM shots to the back. If I'm ever in a server and I see a CNSF member in the list - I log. I don't trust that you're legit after seeing it myself. Sadly, no fraps that day.

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