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US 1790 Hacker.

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What happened: Hello, I was at my camp when someone drove by me in an ATV, so i opened fire on him, and he drove away. after about 30 seconds, I hear a helicopter start up about 200 meters from my camp, and it wasn't there before, then i hear it take off and about 1 minute later, it crashes not far from my camp, and no one dies. I look at the player list and its only me and one other guy, FirePanda. I then call my friend, then while my friend is logging on, i hear another helicopter, then that one takes off and crashes somewhere els, and no one dies again. Me and my friend go to look at one of the helicopters that crashed, when we get to it, a satchel charge goes off and kills my friend.

Server: US 1790

Time: About 1:00 EST

Suspected hacker name

Edited by caplockmw2

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Suspected Hacker Name: FirePanda

Sorry, it isnt showing up on the post >.>

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