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What -exactly- a server restart does to the vehicles?

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I'm asking this simple question because I still haven't fully understood how this works, I'm waiting the approval for a server I'll host so I'd like to have this clarified.

This is how i tought it worked:

- Repair a vehcle, use it, store stuff in it, remember to click on "save *vehicle_name*" every time you put-remove stuff from it

- Server restarts

- Your vehicle is where you parked it with your staff in it

This is what regularly happens to me:

- Repair a vehcle, use it, store stuff in it, remember to click on "save *vehicle_name*" every time you put-remove stuff from it

- Server restarts

- My vehicle is either:

--- gone. I mean, it isn't there anymore. last night I was with a friend on a motorbike, server restarted without notice, we went back in and the bike was nowhere to be found

--- where I leaved it, but without anything in it (spare jerry cans and stuff like that)

--- at his spawn, to be fixed, like if I haven't done anything to repair it. happened last week, we repaired a vehicle and as soon as we started using it the server restarted - when we came back the vehicle was at his spawn, with engine-body-fuel tank and all the 4 wheels broken, like before whe repaired it, but we didn't have anything in our gear anymore - no wheel, no engine, nothing.

I'm not really complaining, I'd just love to know how it works in order to do correctly the next time I'll found a bike or a car :°

Thanks to everybody that will answer me :)


-> I should add that in the first case, the one with the motorbike gone (we found that at the airfield about one hour before) we were also fixing an Ural. By the time the server restarted, the Ural needed only one wheel to be completly fixed, after the server restart it was again ALL broken (body, engine, etc). I'd like a clarification on this too :(

Edited by zappeo

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Just speaking from personal experience here but have had multiple vehicles mysteriously vanish after server restart. Seems to go hand in hand with when the admin finds out it's missing... lol

Just last week we had a V3S truck just vanish from our camp.. I mean one minute I was looking at it, went to a tent to swap one piece of gear, turned around and poof it's gone.

Hackers? Abusive admins? Ghost in the machine? Fucked if I know.

P.S. All proper save protocols were followed. Just have no clue what happened.

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If it's really the admin fault I'm sort of relieved. I'm waiting for my server to be approved because I had the suspect that my bad luck was starting to be a little too frequent to be actually "just bad luck" :D

If the 'workflow' i wrote in the first post is correct then I'll just wait for my server to be ready before re-starting hunting vehicles. It is a long job to collect all the pieces needed for a full repair, and it's really sad and annoying to see a 3-4 hours work vanished in that way. My friend was so pissed off he almost stopped playing :/

And what about the edit I added to the first post?


-> I should add that in the first case, the one with the motorbike gone (we found that at the airfield about one hour before) we were also fixing an Ural. By the time the server restarted, the Ural needed only one wheel to be completly fixed, after the server restart it was again ALL broken (body, engine, etc). I'd like a clarification on this too :(

Is this strange too?

Edited by zappeo

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Same shit here. Tried to repair a UAZ twice this day. The first one we had repaired half when the server restarts and after loggin back in it was totally screwed again. I thought we had bad luck with the server because our tent we placed before the server restart wasn't there anymore too.

So we changed the server and collected half the parts, repaired what we had at this time and went searching for parts again. On our way back with the last parts the server did a unexpected restart and by the time we were back at the UAZ, it was again totally screwed.

I hit save 3 or 4 times before leaving the UAZ after the first repair. But i didnt help....

5 hours of gameplay for nothing...

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