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Why do German Servers Always Disappear?

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So I got a tip from a friendly survivor where I could find a Bus spawn on a German server. I went there, and sure enough, there it was. So I spent the day gathering parts and picking up my teammates. Then I hid the bus and went to sleep. The next day, the server was missing. At first I thought it was a restart or something. But it persisted throughout the day. I went on another German server and found a V3S at the Solnochniy Quarry. I repaired that vehicle, and picked up my friends. Then I hid the V3S and went to bed. Then the next day, that server was missing too! And so was the server with the bus. Is this a normal thing to happen to German servers?

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I know that feeling bro.. I just repaired an Offroad Pickup-Truck on DE 300 and now the server's offline for 2 days straight.

I'd really like to help you with your question but no one can tell me anything

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