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Thoughts on Hotfix and Poeple's posts.

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To no avail I say this, but here goes.

After reading 36 pages last night, and 12 more today, I do feel that we are missing the point. I'm not telling you all that posted that you suck or your wrong. Some people had some legit, helpful posts. But as stated this is an alpha, we are essentially all QA testers. The hotfix was put out to test. Were testing it. He's looking for feed back on results. Some of you are doing a great job in that regard. Some of you aren't.

With an open forum your going to get the spectrum of opinions and helpful advice. I would imagine he knows this and sorts through it. It took me 3 hours to read 36 pages posts. I can imagine that puts a damper on fixing anything. Even if you are skipping the crap. Also the man sleeps, eats, and does all the things we do as well. I'm not kissing his butt, I'm just pointing out he's not a game god.

We all got this mod, free, were all testing it for him. Your going to lose your stuff, you going to get killed, your going to have bags, guns, and ammo disappear and reappear. Game testers aren't trying to play the game, they are trying to make it playable for the general public when it comes out. It just so happens we are the general public and you expect a completed game.

For whatever reasons, due to not reading, not knowing how to manual update, several of the posts are probably not factual in their reports about the glitches. I know poeple get frustrated, lost their stuff, got killed, but you have to pause a moment, check all your versions, check your settings, check what you were doing, or not doing. Report every aspect of what was occuring during the bug you are reporting, and you usually have to repeat the process exactly to make sure it happens each time.

Now I know some of you didn't sign on to be testers, and some of you find it horrid to even be asked to do so. But the more I play and the more I read on the forums that is what we are doing here. So help the man out, we got the biggest testing group a game could ask for if we could just start treating it as such.

Shoot me down, bitch me out, do as you will. I didn't want to clutter up the already 48 pages and counting of good and useless info on the hotfix page. I did however want to see if I could make people aware of what I believe is going on with this game.
Edited by STimroth
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I don't see how making another thread is going to help things, but I am glad you got it off your chest.

Also, you are wrong - we are all testers. We literally signed up to be testers by installing the mod. It's an alpha test. That's what this is, it's not a game yet.

Edited by DayZPvP.com

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I don't see how making another thread is going to help things, but I am glad you got it off your chest.

Also, you are wrong - we are all testers. We literally signed up to be testers by installing the mod. It's an alpha test. That's what this is, it's not a game yet.

I could be wrong but isn't that what I stated. I said that some of us may have not signed up to be testers. That they came to play this with the thought that it was complete. I will give you my wording may have been incorrect. I was not trying to say this wasn't a big testing ground. It is.

Also I only put this here as a new thread, as I stated cuase there is 48 pages running on the hotfix. I felt this wasn't completely on topic for what that thread was suppose to be for, which was, reporting if the hotfix worked/not worked.

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It says right on the front page "alpha version" I guess someone new to gaming or computers might not know what that means. I concede that the staff does not explain things very well (one of the reasons why i started my blog).

Not knowing doesn't change anything though, it is what it is. An unfinished, very buggy, modification of a game from a very small independent developer.

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The problem is many people don't realise they are testing a mod in alpha stage. They have also paid for Arma II just to play the mod and therefore they are quite enraged because DayZ isn't as neat as a final version. I am sure the devs never expected it to be such a huge success and now they are facing chees and whine from everywhere.

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I do not disagree with anything either of you have said. Also having announced the standalone, I feel we are very much his testing ground for that project as well. I also will concede I did buy arma 2 for dayz, but I have been playing the game when dayz is not working right, and I do like the game as well. So in my case I don't feel like i was cheated. Arma 2 is a good game in its own right, if you like the genre. I played the boot camp several hours before I even started the game. That helicopter and vtol are a skill to learn on their own.

All in the eye of the Beholder

Thank you so far for a straight forward converstation.

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Same to you, as long as we remember this is all an experiment we will be fine. Good luck out there!

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Oh hey, one of these threads. I wonder if you even know what QA is. The more people who respond, the greater the effect the issues is having. That's QA. Shut up.

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