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FI22 server (admin maybe?) Teleported me and killed

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I was covering a friend who was looting a chopper near stary. When all of a sudden I got teleported to some guy who instantly shot me. I never had so much gear, I had an AS50 with rangefinders because I randomly found a body with a lot of gear. I don't know what is being done against cheaters, but how is it possible for people to so easily kill someone by teleporting him to yourself. I feel as like the Battle eye system is pretty bad. Also, what childish mind do you have if you cheat to kill someone in two shots if you can just cheat to get some gear aswell. I honestly don't understand the retarded minds some people do have.

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I'm not denying what you're saying, but I'm going to point out that server admins do NOT have a tool to do this.

A server admin can be a scripter or hacker just like anyone else, but teleporting is not a built in tool for them.

Your post title disparages the admin(s) of that server unfairly.

Edited by Disgraced

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I used a question mark and put it between () because I didn't know if it is even possible for admins to do such a thing. I am not accusing anyone just yet, thanks for the info though.

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Nicely choosen topic name.. Anyway im the admin of the FI22 server and i am also the admin of game42.com a game server provider in Finland that rent Dayz servers.. And i can only say exactly what Disgraced said that admins cant do anything like that. Scripters and hackers they do teleport people either to themself or teleport the hacker itself to you and kill you instantly.. sky is the limit for them.

Edited by NuclearAdmiral

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