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Mephi (DayZ)

DayZ says i've deleted some downloadable content and can' play now

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I've downloaded ArmA 2 Combined Operations via Stean, and then installed DayZ using 6 updater. Everything went fine until I launched DayZ: it told me "No entery ".ProfilePathDefault"". Then it launched as it was ok, but after loading told me "No entery "bin/config.bin/RsclnGameUI/RscHint/Back g round.type"". After that, when i try to join some server, i'm told that a can't join this mission, because it depends on downloadable content which has been deleted.characters_pmc. Of course, I haven't deleted anythind, and successfully updated updated everything many times. What should I do? Has anybody encountered such problem?

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Use ARMA 2 Launcher, in the addons section right click addons group, make a folder and name the folder Dayz. Drag and drop @Dayz into the folder you just made. Expand the Dayz folder by clicking the + button then make sure you check off Addons/Mods/, Dayz and @dayz.


Click the link to see my setup

Edited by calmantos

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Thanks, man, it worked! Now i'm stuck on the loading screen, will deal with this problem tomorrow, it's already darkness now anyway

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