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Teleported to spawn when relogging

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Hello everyone :)

Since last night (10 / 8 - 2012) I've had some trouble with respawning, I logged onto a server, went north with my friend, got a lot of supplies. But when we came back after a short break, we were no longer up north, we were at the spawn coast. We still had our items and all that, but we weren't the same place.

Please help me :)

-I really wanna get back to this awesome game :P

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Same problem here, trying to find a server I can play on but I on laggy servers and I'm at a new location

Edited by Alwin

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Think i figured it out. The bug follows the person. So if you die, and respawn as new, it wont happen agan.

Atleast thats my idea, happend to my friend and he died after being sniped, and never happend again. Now it did happen to me de last 10 times i logged in, so now im going to pack up all my gear in my car and then have my mate shoot me and respawn and get my gear :)

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cool, thanks :) I'll try doing that with my friend if it happens again, but though I'm not sure it will cause I tried to log on today on a few servers to see if has been fixed, and to me it seems like it has. But I hope someone's gonna, some kind of "officially" announce that this has been fixed, so I can go north without the fear of teleporting to the spawn with all my gear :)

so thanks for the reply, if you find anything else, please leave a comment, first one really helped me :)

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Think i figured it out. The bug follows the person. So if you die, and respawn as new, it wont happen agan.

Atleast thats my idea, happend to my friend and he died after being sniped, and never happend again. Now it did happen to me de last 10 times i logged in, so now im going to pack up all my gear in my car and then have my mate shoot me and respawn and get my gear :)

I cant confirm that. I died already 2 times and got picked up by friend with a Bike. This time we were 4 ppl having fun in Stary Sobor. When we switched server we all 4 got stuck on loading. After we ALT+F4'ed and switched on another server the 3 of us got spawned at elektrozavodsk and the one is still in Stary Sobor. That one buddy of mine never got spawned at coast, but we 3 already 10 times at least.

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Yeah, sounds pretty much like what I experience onimoschta, and I think it's the server switching that's the problem, even though I logged on one server, switched servers 3 times without getting teleported, but then at the 4th time I spawned at the coast. So I think that if you wanna be sure not to get teleported back to the coast, you should stay on the same server, even though you might wanna change due to lag sometimes... but I think it's just something we need to deal with until the modders (who are probably already working on a solution) have fixed this bug. :)

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I believe I have found a fix to the problem.

I had this problem for a while. I thought it was just the servers I was joining (through Six Launcher) the newest update as of now is however Six Launcher will not update to this . therefore I downloaded the newest beta patch through Dayz Commander. Now all you have to do is join servers and no other versions :D

Add Me on steam if you need any help gamertag is sweatyflopsack

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I use the version of DayZ and it still happens to me. It takes 2-4 times of server switching and *bam* you are back at the coast. Sucks big time, especially when you are further inland and on some mission with your buddies. A friend of mine tried soloing NW airfield and got set back to the coast after switching servers a few times. It might be connected with that, but it rather seems like a general bug to me.

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hi, i was teleported into "wilderness" while playing. i survived the hackers shots but now am stuck here... there isnt a tree or building around :S i have all my stuff but am at 5k blood and cant go anywhere. what should i do?

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hi, i was teleported into "wilderness" while playing. i survived the hackers shots but now am stuck here... there isnt a tree or building around :S i have all my stuff but am at 5k blood and cant go anywhere. what should i do?

to me it sounds like you are in the debug forest, i have been there before and all i did was leave and rejoin and it spawned me at the coast

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