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LU45 .. Missing a car?

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Is your car missing?

Was it a rusty yellow hatchback?

well i took it... it was in the middle of a town disguised as a non drivable car but even at night i can tell when something's not right!

Anyway thanks.



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I like how you didn't black out your name in the first picture.

LAWLZ ahh well.. what's the worst that could happen if he knows my name? :P

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Who gets a GPS before they get all those other tools?

I do ... Because our camp has NVG's/GPS's and range finders anyway but not the basics because you obtain them along the way anyway.

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Probably hacked in and will disappear after restart anyway. lol.

highly doubt it's hacked nothing that decent in it.

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2 AS50s, a L85 AWS, ammunition for the fifties and three NVG units?

I'd like to see what you call good loot!

Edited by grylsyjaeger

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2 AS50s, a L85 AWS, ammunition for the fifties and three NVG units?

I'd like to see what you call good loot!

We have all this and double it + rarer items once you have horded a tonne of military weapons it's nothing special :/

but it's always fun to find a few more, and always love more ammo but as for AS50's i never use them i opt for the SVD Camo i have, and i hate the L85 useful but just hate it.

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2 AS50s, a L85 AWS, ammunition for the fifties and three NVG units?

I'd like to see what you call good loot!

that would take me 1 hour to get.

step 1: find winchest or enfield

step 2:run to cherno or elektro

step 3:if in elektro go to sniper hill. if in cherno go to any common sniper sparts

step 4: abort!!!!! find kill win profit escape

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I'll post a pic of our tents and what they hold you will jizz if you think this is special :3

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