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Today I met a freshly spawned

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For some reason, when I logged in I was logged in at the southern shore. As I moved forward, I saw an unarmed guy running towards me. He didn't see me ofcourse, I was in some bushes wearing a ghillie.

I moved out on the road and switched weapon from my AS50 to my PDW, looked in his direction and did the safety dance (waggle from side to side) as I approached him. He sat down and did the same, ran up to me and asked if I was german. Not being german, I said no. He asked me not to kill him, I said it's okay. He said thank you and went on his way.

I let him, infact. I had no intention what so ever to kill him. It was just nice to show myself to someone without killing that someone. It felt almost magical. I had hoped to ask if he wanted some stuff but I got DC'd when I turned around to follow him.

I'm a bandit, and today, I didn't kill someone.

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0/10 would never read again.

Your membership to the Bandit Guild has been revoked.

If you said at the end "I broke his legs", or something... that would be fine.

But I guess, good job for being a nice person from time to time.

Seems you like being a good guy more than a bandit?

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Nice!! That's awfully kind of you (being a bandit and all)

A lot of people will just shoot whoever, even unarmed. It's sort of low in my opinion. I am not a bandit, but I am still new to the game and finding how I want to play. Personally I feel that each new life will be completely different in where I travel, and whether I shoot on sight or not.

But it is a great feeling to find people and interact briefly without the intention of killing one another.

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0/10 would never read again.

Your membership to the Bandit Guild has been revoked.

If you said at the end "I broke his legs", or something... that would be fine.

But I guess, good job for being a nice person from time to time.

Seems you like being a good guy more than a bandit?

That's alright, I wasn't part of it to begin with. Nor would I want to be. I'm a lone wolf. I hate everyone.

If he had had a gun on him, I would've killed him. If you're armed, you're part of the fight. If you're unarmed, I hope to see you wearing lots of stuff next time I see you so it'll be all that more satisfying to kill you.

That's how I roll. That and it was nice to be nice and just interact with someone at random.

Nice!! That's awfully kind of you (being a bandit and all)

A lot of people will just shoot whoever, even unarmed. It's sort of low in my opinion. I am not a bandit, but I am still new to the game and finding how I want to play. Personally I feel that each new life will be completely different in where I travel, and whether I shoot on sight or not.

But it is a great feeling to find people and interact briefly without the intention of killing one another.

I wrote about it because I want to prove that even when being someone that kills others it doesn't mean I kill indiscriminately. There's douchebags and then there's bandits.

But as I wrote to the other guy, if he had a gun on him he would've been dead. 100-150 meters away with an AS50 would've made minced meat of him.

If you're armed, you're part of the fight.

Edited by Creambomb

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Bandits rob people of their good gear, murders kill unarmed players on Enfield wielders (they're not worth it imo)

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How did he lean if he was unarmed? Your story is flawed.

He sat down and did the Q E waggling. He didn't lay down, he didn't hunch, he sat down.

Your brain is flawed. Stop being bad. It's people like you that I want to kill, because you're undeserving, idiotic non-sensical killers.

Edited by Creambomb

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He sat down and did the Q E waggling. He didn't lay down, he didn't hunch, he sat down.

Your brain is flawed. Stop being bad. It's people like you that I want to kill, because you're undeserving, idiotic non-sensical killers.

That is impossible.

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Bandits rob people of their good gear, murders kill unarmed players on Enfield wielders (they're not worth it imo)

I have the best gear you could possibly have in a legit way. I have no need for other peoples gear. But I will only kill people who are armed.

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As far as I'm concerned you need to hold a weapon in order to do so.

You need a weapon to sit down and waggle from side to side? Are you even thinking before you write?

Like the guy at 0:22 in this video

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Aw man I was waiting to read the part were you say.. "I let him go .. and just as he agro'd Zombie Dave I shot his knees out and watched him crawl in terror. Then when zombie Dave was full up, I went over and took those painkillers, not that I needed them, its just nice to keep munchin them pillz ((head twitch))." Then you would of had my beans..

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More of a care bear story, i mean, only thing that was missing was a picnic and a beam of scented perfume and roses shining down upon you two.

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I'm a bandit, and today I tried to do a nice thing for once. I was on a low pop server riding around in my tractor along the coast, I soon see a guy running along, so I honk my horn. I get out, and tell him to back up, then I'll give him a gift.

He fails to listen to me and decides to run around all panic-like, I ignore it as he's completely unarmed and a new spawn. I give up trying to ask him so I search the inventory to give him an M16, so I take it out, and put it on the ground. What does he do next? Completely ignores the gun, and gets right in my tractor, and tries to make a get away. He made it about 10 feet before he got shot out..I will never understand some people.

I'm never again going to try and do something nice. Anyone I see on the coast from now on, armed or unarmed, is going to die.

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More of a care bear story, i mean, only thing that was missing was a picnic and a beam of scented perfume and roses shining down upon you two.

That would've been awesome.

Aw man I was waiting to read the part were you say.. "I let him go .. and just as he agro'd Zombie Dave I shot his knees out and watched him crawl in terror. Then when zombie Dave was full up, I went over and took those painkillers, not that I needed them, its just nice to keep munchin them pillz ((head twitch))." Then you would of had my beans..

I kill every time when I shoot at someone. Instant death.

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More of a care bear story, i mean, only thing that was missing was a picnic and a beam of scented perfume and roses shining down upon you two.

You're an idiot.

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I'm a bandit, and today I tried to do a nice thing for once. I was on a low pop server riding around in my tractor along the coast, I soon see a guy running along, so I honk my horn. I get out, and tell him to back up, then I'll give him a gift.

He fails to listen to me and decides to run around all panic-like, I ignore it as he's completely unarmed and a new spawn. I give up trying to ask him so I search the inventory to give him an M16, so I take it out, and put it on the ground. What does he do next? Completely ignores the gun, and gets right in my tractor, and tries to make a get away. He made it about 10 feet before he got shot out..I will never understand some people.

I'm never again going to try and do something nice. Anyone I see on the coast from now on, armed or unarmed, is going to die.

That's the one beef I have about dying. I know that I might die to some completely retarded, mouthbreathing nitwit.

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For some reason, when I logged in I was logged in at the southern shore. As I moved forward, I saw an unarmed guy running towards me. He didn't see me ofcourse, I was in some bushes wearing a ghillie.

I moved out on the road and switched weapon from my AS50 to my PDW, looked in his direction and did the safety dance (waggle from side to side) as I approached him. He sat down and did the same, ran up to me and asked if I was german. Not being german, I said no. He asked me not to kill him, I said it's okay. He said thank you and went on his way.

I let him, infact. I had no intention what so ever to kill him. It was just nice to show myself to someone without killing that someone. It felt almost magical. I had hoped to ask if he wanted some stuff but I got DC'd when I turned around to follow him.

I'm a bandit, and today, I didn't kill someone.

Thats so nice of you... NOT!

Edited by Vysavacz

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