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Hero Skin Bandits

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Am I the only one who has never been banned for alt+f4ing? I've played on 50 or so different servers, alt+f4d at the sign of gunshots constantly but not ban. Anyways, who cares if you get banned, I mean there's what, around 1000 other servers to play on?

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Am I the only one who has never been banned for alt+f4ing? I've played on 50 or so different servers, alt+f4d at the sign of gunshots constantly but no ban. Anyways, who cares if you get banned, I mean there's what, around 1000 other servers to play on?

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Me and a friend have worked out a method of kidnapping someone, shooting them in the leg, bandaging them, giving them morphine, epi-pen if they go unconscious, then blood and repeat until we receive the Hero skin, at which point we shoot his legs again and leave him there.

Then we continue on our banditry fun even more care-free as most players will see us and think "Thank god! Friendlies!".

It also does look pretty badass.

I like you :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

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Am I the only one who has never been banned for alt+f4ing? I've played on 50 or so different servers, alt+f4d at the sign of gunshots constantly but no ban. Anyways, who cares if you get banned, I mean there's what, around 1000 other servers to play on?

dont double post, also, stop screwing other peoples game, at least u noobines dont hack

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Forgot to mention my friend is the admin of the server. We check the time, he just checks the log and bans the ALT+F4er.

But even if we don't kidnap anyone or everyone gets banned, we can just boost it Call Of Duty style on each other.


We're bandits.


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Me and a friend have worked out a method of kidnapping someone, shooting them in the leg, bandaging them, giving them morphine, epi-pen if they go unconscious, then blood and repeat until we receive the Hero skin, at which point we shoot his legs again and leave him there.

Then we continue on our banditry fun even more care-free as most players will see us and think "Thank god! Friendlies!".

It also does look pretty badass.

So, what you're really trying to say is that you are just openly admitting you have no idea how to genuinely play the game. Cool story, bro.

Forgot to mention my friend is the admin of the server. We check the time, he just checks the log and bans the ALT+F4er.

But even if we don't kidnap anyone or everyone gets banned, we can just boost it Call Of Duty style on each other.


We're bandits.

No, you aren't bandits; you are just the pot calling the kettle black. They haven't made a skin for scum like you yet.

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Love how this guy thinks a hero skin is going to make everyone think he is a friendly. Sorry to burst your bubble (wait, no Im not), but regardless of what skin you're wearing, you'll still go through the exact same threat process as everyone else and considering most newbies don't even know what the skin looks like you'll most likely still be shot at if they're given the chance.

Also, In reality what you're doing now is akin to nuke boosters in Mw2. Boosting to get something just because you think people will think your a badass and treat you differently is really, really sad. It's even sadder that you do it on other individuals and then get them banned them when they get pissed off and leave because you're exploiting them.

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*If* they're not unconscious. Esc shouldn't work when you're unconscious.

you can ctrl alt delete when you're unconcious, but when you come back in game you loose all gear except for backpack and skin. Would be worth it, though, if these exploiters decided to try this shit on me when i just spawn.

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Also, In reality what you're doing now is akin to nuke boosters in Mw2

I'm pretty sure I referenced that in either my first or second post.

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Moving to Bandit Campfire subforum. Maybe you'll get some "love and support" for your... exploitative gameplan

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Great idea OP, beans for you. I wonder what all those butthurt posters are doing in bandits forum?

Edited by Alsmir

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Me and a friend have worked out a method of kidnapping someone, shooting them in the leg, bandaging them, giving them morphine, epi-pen if they go unconscious, then blood and repeat until we receive the Hero skin, at which point we shoot his legs again and leave him there.

Then we continue on our banditry fun even more care-free as most players will see us and think "Thank god! Friendlies!".

It also does look pretty badass.

Pretty cool but I think you should get the massive douche skin. Enjoy the simplest form of this system while you still can.

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Well actually we've worked out that you can just spam blood transfusions on someone who is bleeding for fast and effective humanity.

So basically we can hit someone, knock them down, blood transfuse them a few times to get the skin and then break their legs and leave them there.

And for you people saying it's wrong to ban these people, this new method would take less than a minute from the point they get knocked out. You can say whatever you like, but disconnecting during this period is still combat logging and you will be banned.

Nah you cant ban for alt f4 you need to report to Day Z staff. so if you ban someone for it i just hope they report you and your abusive server admin friend so he loses his admin rights....

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And then you ask us why this game is fucked up, when you're doing random bullshit like this.

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Beans for OP, pretty nice idea and exactly the type of gameplay how its intended to be.

Think of it, bandits are supposed to be douchebags and when you let them shoot you it's your own fault noobs. Theres no reason to call it an exploit, cause its not.

They are using legit game mechanics to deceive their opponents by using a faked skin. Thats pretty awesome.

All those whiners here are just pve carebears who are unable to stay out of harms way, noobs and nothing else.

Oh and i do ban alt f4ers on my server too, cause THATS CHEATING.

Edited by Riiquiem

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Beans for OP, pretty nice idea and exactly the type of gameplay how its intended to be.

Think of it, bandits are supposed to be douchebags and when you let them shoot you it's your own fault noobs. Theres no reason to call it an exploit, cause its not.

They are using legit game mechanics to deceive their opponents by using a faked skin. Thats pretty awesome.

All those whiners here are just pve carebears who are unable to stay out of harms way, noobs and nothing else.

Oh and i do ban alt f4ers on my server too, cause THATS CHEATING.

it might be cheating but theres a process you must go through to report it you idiot, think server admins should have to pas a basic test on the rules of running a server before they are allowed to as alot seem to do what they think is right

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it might be cheating but theres a process you must go through to report it you idiot, think server admins should have to pas a basic test on the rules of running a server before they are allowed to as alot seem to do what they think is right

Yea whatever "idiot"...

There is nothing wrong with getting rid of alt+f4ers, i dont care what you think about that. Seems like you like to use it urself

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Beans for OP, pretty nice idea and exactly the type of gameplay how its intended to be.

Think of it, bandits are supposed to be douchebags and when you let them shoot you it's your own fault noobs. Theres no reason to call it an exploit, cause its not.

They are using legit game mechanics to deceive their opponents by using a faked skin. Thats pretty awesome.

All those whiners here are just pve carebears who are unable to stay out of harms way, noobs and nothing else.

Oh and i do ban alt f4ers on my server too, cause THATS CHEATING.

Ofc it is an exploit you moron.

You are basicly saying the exploids you are using are perfectly fine but the ones you don't like deserve banning.

To me you seem to be a person who is duping AS50's and shooting newbs in electro.

Imo it all deservs a ban: alt F4 to avoid death, duping and what OP is admittingly doing.

Edited by The2ndLink

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So you use an exploit to trick other players and get annoyed to the point of banning when people use an exploit to avoid your own exploit.

Nice one OP.

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Like BertieJ said. Your basically the sports star that uses a drug that's not yet been picked up and banned. So whilst it's not on the list you'll just exploit it to your own ends until it is.

I'm not one for name calling (that's for trolls). But that isn't the intention of that option, especially with your admin mate doing the same. As an admin one should at the very least be setting the standard to what is the spirit of the game and not that of poor sportsmanship. The Hero skins was created for one simple reason. So if you want to be a bandit, awesome, go be a bandit. I'm all for PvP but by using that exploit your simply just undermining the game and invalidating the whole reason for the Hero option.

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Yea whatever "idiot"...

There is nothing wrong with getting rid of alt+f4ers, i dont care what you think about that. Seems like you like to use it urself

i hate alt f4ing and dont do it winds me up when people do but its not really alt f4ing is it when someones just abusing another game mechanic.

and like i said there are rules you should follow them as a server admin or your not fit to do it.

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Honestly how can anyone see a game mechanic like the humanity in the current DayZ version and NOT think about exploiting it? I mean, it practically screams from the rooftops that it not only is easy to "break" but in fact almost encourages it.

If I had the resources and wasn't content with my current ghillie suit, I'd probably do this too just to make a point of it. Trying to force everyone to be "good" or "bad" simply doesn't work in a game like DayZ. In fact, the whole point was that you had no idea who was friend and who was foe, and to be very very careful about who you approach. With bandits doing stuff like this, maybe things will stay like that.

Not sure about the banning of people who Alt+F4 part, but then again, I'd probably do the same given how often it happens.

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