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Custom Face Washing out even with .paa

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Once I found out that you can create your own custom faces I got really excited and headed directly into photoshop. I altered one of the original faces in the game popped it into my Docs and loaded into a server. When I got in the server it was all white and washed out. In fact it wasn't even the face I altered at all it had somehow changed to the default face. I did some googling and found that converting it to a .paa file should have fixed it. I downloaded Texveiw and converted it and everything however when I loaded it back in I had still the "Ghost" face. I am at a lose as to what to do and so is google. Any help would be nice. I added a Jpg of the face I am trying to use (more just so you can see it and comment then anything) I am currently working on making it a smaller size to see if that is what is screwing it up.


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Most servers don't allow custom face so THAT is the problem you have.

Edited by EchoZeero
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Yeah I just found that out. Thanks for reading my post though.

Edited by Villagesmithy

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I have been wondering how others see your custom face. I have seen the Jason Voorhees videos and I cant figure out how others see the custom face. Wouldnt they have to have the skin on their pc for it to show up?

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No, I think the server would store the information then send it back to them. That's how the normal faces work anyway.

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No, I think the server would store the information then send it back to them. That's how the normal faces work anyway.

Yes but the normal faces .paa are already on every client. Custom faces are only on the client that created them.

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