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Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

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Hello, Im stuck on the very last loading screen Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...).

DayZ version:

Arma 2 Version: 95883

I have update my battle eye and everything.

Also i used to have the loading screen where it used to get stuck but, after the update it got passed that and now its stuck on this one. Please any help?

FIX!!!!!!!!!! JOIN DE 287 and it will be fixed!!!!!!

Edited by Valentinoz
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I have extact same problem? I was so happy when it got past loading but now its stuck on this... lol :(

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When it gets to that point just clip/unclip your flashlight is how I get out of it. The only problem is that you have no debug monitor, have infinite water/food stat, and you're in the debug plains.

Or at least I am. Support won't answer me :S

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Im able to pass that menu now, its just that i keep spawning in the wilderness over and over and over. i killed my self many of times and no luck.

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Exact same problem for me. After about 15 minutes, you enter the plains. I set a waypoint on the closest corner of the map, and I'm 21 km away.

At least I can connect to the hive now.

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:00 PM, wild-card said:

Still have this problem. Anyone have a solution?

Still nothing.

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I had a post about this earlier. It seems someone has to reset your character for you, but I have no idea where to ask.

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I tried rolling back to and Beta 95417 in the hopes that the fact I spawned SOMEWHERE might get rid of the infinite loading bug. It didn't.

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  On 8/13/2012 at 1:30 AM, Siignal said:

That is not it. If we die we go back to the debug plains.

So then run SE for an hour or two.. If you die then it's your fault.

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  On 8/13/2012 at 1:31 AM, eephase said:

So then run SE for an hour or two.. If you die then it's your fault.

We aren't characters. We can pick stuff up, that's it. We don't spawn zombies, we don't have hunger or thirst, we don't have the ability to play. We are stuck in the debug plains every time we load a server. I just want a full reset...

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Reporting in, same issue. Seems like it's out of our hands.

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Game is completely unplayable. I don't want to have to play on a private hive. This is such shit :/

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This really sucks, many of us haven't been able to test DayZ in over a week.

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