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Seance (DayZ)

DayZ Starts FPS Lagging like Crazy!?!!?

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Alright so I get all geared up basic shit you know getting beans m4 rifle some soda med's from the hospital crawling my way though the fucking city then meet up with some friends we start rollin out then eventually die while me and my sniper in my group giving cover from a distance a few miles away into electro city whatever the fuck you want to call it anyways we snipe a few fools while our other two teammates are in the city getting guns, gas, med's, all the good shit you know. Then all of a sudden they get blowin up by a hacker that teleport's right on top of them and kills them all the fucking hard work my friends in my team just get rolled by some bitch made hacker then about 10 seconds later after figuring out WTF just happen'd what do you know the hacker spawns on us we get fucking wacked. Well guess we have to start over whatev's so we leave the server find a new one. We all get new spawns on the coast and me I am new to the game so I basically spent the last 2 1/2 hours trying to find my team by basically running up and down the coast to the ends of the map ( yeah I know I'm a fucking noob back down) So after that so called about two hours or so I FINALLY find my team they are over at Balota at the military tents I finally find them. So I'm running to them then all of a sudden I start to get some serious fucking artifacts from the military tents so I'm like alright got to relog but I finally found my team I'm playing with so its all good right? So i exit game take a fucking year to reload back into the game then now all of a sudden my game is lagging like crazy I'm talking 1 FPS here out of no where so I'm sitting here trying to figure out what the deal is I relog several times trying to fix it, doesn't get fixed (at this point I'm fucking heated) So I basically uninstalled dayz commander arma II and OA so gotta wait another 2 hours to hopefully fix my problem so yeah that was my night what about yours?

TLDR Life is great

Edited by Seance

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I wouldn't have uninstalled it. It was a bad idea, just a waste. This usually never fixes anything. And with dayz server the glitches are expected. I get em often when just simply playing A2. Maybe try restarting your PC first. Usually when the FPS continues after evey login it is because the server needs a reset. Hope this helps

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Yeah I did restart my comp it still didn't fix it I tried loading into another server but it just takes too long and wasn't loading me in so I just raged quit and reinstalling everything

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