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Corrupt Character. Need a reset or somethin?

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Hi there dayz community. Long story short, about a week ago i experienced a heavy graphical glitch in dayz and had to reboot. now i get "this server is running and incorrect version.." It happens on every server besides private/non hive servers. Basically, I figure this is my last ditch effort to get my character id reset. So please, dayz dev team, in the name of laces out help me!

just for further clarification i have gone through all the possible fixes and none of them work.

In my opinion there are 3 possible explanations:

1. Corrupt Data in the hive or some shit.

2. Somethings seriously fucked up with my comp.

3. Or ive been caught up in an accidental mass ban?

NICK: [OCN] RayFinkle

ID: 28992646

Edited by RayFinkle

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"Heavy Graphical Glitch" most likely means artifacting, something that should be fixed in the new patch (though judging by forums, hasn't fixed it).

"Server is running an incorrect version" is because the game was just updated. Make sure that you're completely updated as well, then set your filter for " 95883" and you should be able to join. However, the hive is very bogged down atm so most people are getting stuck at the loading screen without bar.

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Thanks for the reply mozzy but I dont think you understand my problem. Here's exactly what happened. I was playing on a US server while testing out a minor overclockig change, specifically I increased my multiplier like .5 and increased the speed of my card. Anyways so I was playing, then all of a sudden my computer went unstable. I was not experiencing artifacts, I know what those are. you don't have to tell me lol. So, I alt tabbed and then alt tabbed back in, and the whole game froze. it was glitching my comp out like a mutherfucker. So I did a reboot like always and then I tried to join back on that server and I got past the loading screen, then it said "this server blah blah blah" I would really like a positive response that doesn't involve any troubleshooting because believe me I wouldn't be posting here if I hadn't tried EVERYTHING. Mind you I've had A week to thoroughly try as find a fix. The only thug left to do is get in touch with a developer and have them reset my character. But I'm starting to doubt that will happen. :unsure:

also ive tried dozens of servers and i can only get on private hives. so i know my character is corrupt.

Edited by RayFinkle

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heres a video of exactly whats happening to me. im sick and tired of seeing this message......

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Hey I really need help because I broke my leg and then when I next logged in it spawned me on the coast near Kamenka so would really appreciate morphine from anyone near that area

Steam Account: joek3rjoe

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Hey I really need help because I broke my leg and then when I next logged in it spawned me on the coast near Kamenka so would really appreciate morphine from anyone near that area

Steam Account: joek3rjoe

really dude this guy is trying to figure out how to fix a computer problem. go away w your broken leg.

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I got the same Problem as Ray:

My Game crashed while riding a bicycle over Topolka Dam and I had to reboot my PC.

Since then I'm unable to join any Hive-Servers. I allways get the same Error as Ray.

Tried everything mentioned in the sticky-Post, but nothing worked for me - so I guess

my Character is also corrupted.

Nick is "Sparkz" and ID is "26517126"

I would really appreciate some help!

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Well, I may as well bump this thread because I'm currently having the same problem.

I've actually had it up to my fucking neck in this shit that this game is producing. Rocket, as a fellow New Zealander, all I have to say is that you're a fucking asshole that should actually be working for EA. Why? You're just as ignorant and non-helpful as they are. There's so many fucked up this wrong with this game that have simple solutions to fix them. ie: artifacting: what's causing this problem? Dead zombies that can't be hidden. Solution: remove them from the fucking game. They don't have ANY effect on the world, or the players around them AT ALL. It's only causing players to not be able to play this piece of shit mod.

I swear to God that this game has never made me, or possibly any one rage so fucking hard with its constant bugged up shit. If you really think people are going to buy Day Z when it comes out as a stand alone game, you're fucking kidding yourself.

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