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Ok for starters, if I repair a vehicle on one server and move to another does it travel with me?

If i log off does the vehicle remain in game if I save it or does it disappear with me?

And I see people trading items on here alot and they seem to have a whole ton of items, more than it is possible to carry so how do you go about storing all those items?

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Vehicles are server based so they don't transfer servers with you. They also remain in game so store yours wisely so it doesn't get stolen. As for getting so many items, you can store them in vehicles or tents. Those have huge capacity.

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Oh and one more question, Is it best to find a single server to play on or is it best to jump servers?

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Thanks for a quick replys been playing for a week and some things just never clicked, now i understand what i need to do, how long will a tent last once saved?

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Thanks for a quick replys been playing for a week and some things just never clicked, now i understand what i need to do, how long will a tent last once saved?

Tent's last either for seven days like the cars or a month.

I can't remember.

On your previous question It's best to hop around until you have the supplies neccisary to make a server your home.

Tent, Hunting supplies, Water source, Good hiding place.

I can PM you some Co-ordinates that are good if you'd like them.

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You have to save them for them to stay for more than a week.

They store them in tents.

I have a question in this thread of questions. How did you get a unique forum title? O:

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What happens when you disconnect in a chopper or a car while it's moving?

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You spawn on the ground alive from car, dead from falling chopper.

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