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Adape Is recruiting

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You, and only you can do this.

You will all be hand picked players of day z.


Skype,teamspeak or, steam chat etc

Skills including: car driving, good scavenging, and prime shot

I have a ural and need help repairing it. If you help me get it running your in. If not your have to prove yourself

Other Info:

I need a 5 mintue interview asking questions such as what's the northest you've been? How many do you think you've killed recently?


Steam: Hubbabubba110

Edited by alec167

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"prime shot"?

"your half to prove yourself"?

"what's the northest you've been"?

Is this your first time typing in English, or did you just figure out that those buttons on your keyboard make words when you place them in a certain order?

Seriously, edit this up to look more professional. I can do misspelling, but WOW.

Edited by Zeromentor

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