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kylebeed (DayZ)

White trees and bushes and long grass?

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Before I start the person who helps me will get a shutout on m YouTube channel when I record my videos

Whenever I start a single player dayz or multiplayer it turns out good I don't lag and it runs smoothly but there is white trees and bushes, however when I shoot the tree or bush or car it changes back to the color it should be? Can you help me?

Here are my pc specs

Nvidia GeForce 7900 GS


Pentium® 4 CPU 3.20GHz

3.19GHz, 2.00 GB of Ram

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What you should do is under the options menu in video, go down to Video Memory. Change this to default. If it's already on that, just switch between one of the other options and back to default. This will refresh the video cache.

Most graphical problems (such as that large stretching texture that covers the screen) can be fixed like this.

Some times I get an Nintendo 64 glitch where the graphics turn ultra bad and lags heaps. This fixes that too.

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You really don't have enough ram to play this game efficiently.

Em tbh it doesn't lag at all and and when I shoot the tree or long grass or bush it does it's normal color so is there something wrong it's the setting?

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You really don't have enough ram to play this game efficiently.

It's not a RAM issue, I've had the same issue and it was texture related.

Try improving the texture/grass quality related tabs, I fiddled with those tabs, lowered quality and ended up with this problem.

Edited by Sinfulsebastian

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The only other suggestion I have is to re-install.

Has DayZ always been like this? And if none of the other suggestions worked, the only other option is to re-install any content related to ARMA and DayZ.

If you have the steam version, validate the files in-case you're missing something.

I hope you can fix your problem.

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Same here since i updated to Have everything on low for obvious reasons. Now every tree, grass and bush is square with huge white pixels mixed in. Never had any graphical problems besides the dead miliary glitch.

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