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Hacker on US 1154

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At around 01:40:00 (GMT (Adjusted from my own 02:40:00 on gmt +1)) on US 1154 (I don't have the exact time I'm afraid) Just about every player on the server was teleported up into the air above a city and dropped to our death.

If you have the logs for around that time on US 1154 you might want to check them for any foul play.

I'm afraid I don't have any recorded evidence other than my own witness statement and the statement of a friend who saw the death messages (Good thing to know, it doesn't seem like you can be forcibly teleported if you are located inside a vehicle)

Edited by AsheramK

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Yes, I saw this happen as well. Although, I was not in the group that was teleported. I logged out after seeing that. We believe the person of interest has been banned. I see you in the server quite a bit. Thanks for playing on 1154.

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