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[Recruiting] Elektro's Most Wanted

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Clan Info:

We are a KoS (Kill On Sight) Bandit clan, we are in need of skilled snipers.


MUST be 13+, but if you are younger and show maturity you may get accepted.

Have a mic


Must live in the United States or be active during GMT-8 hours.

Must be active


Teamspeak (I will be renting a server in the future when funds are sufficient)



Country of Residence:

How long you've been playing:

Favorite Weapon/Role:

Steam and Skype:

What to do:

1) Post an application

2) join our teamspeak


No Clan Killing

No stealing

Do not be loud and obnoxious

Visit us on our teamspeak:


Hackers are NOT welcome

Skype: derek.ta

Edited by derekdakid

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Age 16

United states: Washington

Been playing forabout 3-4 weeks.

I'm on the computer like 15 hours a day min LOL.

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Age 16

United states: Washington

Been playing forabout 3-4 weeks.

I'm on the computer like 15 hours a day min LOL.

Accepted, add me on skype

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United states:California

How long you've been playing:1 month

add me on skype

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Age: 18

Country: United States: Illinois

How long you've been playing: couple of weeks

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: USA

How long you've been playing: Since late June

Favorite Weapon/Role: I'll do fine as just a regular assualt.

Steam and Skype: I have both. Don't want to give to pubic though. I will give it to yo if I get accepted.

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: United States

How long you've been playing: 2-3 Months

Favorite Weapon/Role: Sniper/Assault (Pretty Good at everything--- no big deal :P)

Steam and Skype: Onthequicks (Both)

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Age: 18

Country: United States: Illinois

How long you've been playing: couple of weeks

accepted add me on skype

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: USA

How long you've been playing: Since late June

Favorite Weapon/Role: I'll do fine as just a regular assualt.

Steam and Skype: I have both. Don't want to give to pubic though. I will give it to yo if I get accepted.

accepted add me on derek.ta

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: United States

How long you've been playing: 2-3 Months

Favorite Weapon/Role: Sniper/Assault (Pretty Good at everything--- no big deal :P)

Steam and Skype: Onthequicks (Both)

accepted, add me on skype derek.ta

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2 months

Sniping/pilot/Raiding/Mid range firefights



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2 months

Sniping/pilot/Raiding/Mid range firefights




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Age: 23

Country of Residence: Texas , united states

How long you've been playing: Longer than most.

Favorite Weapon/Role: svd camo , Cover sniper

Steam and Skype: Salvortica.

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Age: 15

Country of Residence: Sweden

How long you've been playing: Few weeks.

Favorite Weapon/Role: Any Sniper/Assault Rifle (Prefer 50 Cal Snipers) / Sniper

Steam and Skype: Saxin12 robin_corleonet

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Country of Residence:US Cali

How long you've been playing:1 month and a half

Favorite Weapon/Role:sniping/currently using m24

Steam and Skype: steam account:


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Country of Residence:US Cali

How long you've been playing:1 month and a half

Favorite Weapon/Role:sniping/currently using m24

Steam and Skype: steam account:



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Age: 15

Country of Residence: U.S.

How long you've been playing: 2 months

Favorite Weapon/Role: I'm good at getting loot and can navigate pretty well. I'm good with medium range assualt rifles/m14. I can also use a sniper know how to zero and all that.

Steam and Skype: Steam: Cube Skype: Karekhazir

Edited by Karekhazir

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Age: 14

Country of Residence: United States (Central)

How long you've been playing: since may

Favorite Weapon/Role: as50 sniper

Steam and Skype: YEE dog

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: US

How long you've been playing: A little of a month

Favorite Weapon/Role: Not really have one, I can snipe/scope out people, close combate

Steam and Skype: SkidmarksParks

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Age: I am 15 years old.

Country of Residence: The United States

How long you've been playing: About 2-3 months

Favorite Weapon/Role: Sniper/ Rifleman

Steam and Skype: skype: chrisgongo Steam: cheesesniff

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  • Age: 16
  • Country of Residence: USA
  • How long you've been playing: 1 month
  • Favorite Weapon/Role: Pilot, and AS50 Sniper.
  • Steam and Skype: I Don't Know If I Like You Yet. XP

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Age: 19


How long have I been playing?: About 2 months, give or take a week.

Favorite weapon/role?: I love sniping and recon so I would choose between the AS50 and the M104. Both 1 hit kills and are very deadly in my hands :)

Steam/Skype: Kevinyoubeezy/kevin.ly182 (respectively)

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