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Gear Up Fast! Bandit Camp Location

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Serverhopper incoming :) will get there to get a clear shot at you :) thx for you coords!

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I hope you understand that I do not actually play DayZ, I used to, but since it is a horrible game, I am waiting for the standalone version.

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Oh please.

This thread is just plain stupidity of a person compressed into kilobytes of data loaded into your browser.

Thanks for wasting our time...

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xD your the best troll ive met so far - complaining about the game - playin it like some hours a day i would guess - givin away coords to find you :) love it just need some minutes to get there wait for plssssssssssssssssss

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Well, if anyone actually goes to these camps, thank me through this thread please.

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Oh please.

This thread is just plain stupidity of a person compressed into kilobytes of data loaded into your browser.

Thanks for wasting our time...

Whatever you just said....it doesn't make any frickin' sense.

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