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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

Play what you paid for

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Like I said numerous times. They have learned that if you kill someone first they can't kill you. And that taking someone's stuff is the fastest way of gearing up.

Well it seems that would make you go around in this continuous pvp loop which is why i see some players getting frustrated with the game. Most pvpers say they camp cherno/elektro cos they got all the high end gear and get bored and then some will say they do it to get high end gear which then leads back to boredom. I never stick to one play style, sometimes i pvp sometimes i run around with my crew and pve, depends on my mood. And what i mean by PVP is that i actually go into towns and NWAF with an assault rifle or whatever and hunt people down the good ol fashioned way. Most of you pvpers out there should try it instead of just camping on hills and buildings sniping people who dont stand a chance, and for the record i been playing for a month now and am yet to meet ONE pvper that does it like i do, instead its just BOOM! headshot etc. And furthermore other people running around noob spawns and griefing them DOES dictate how the game is played as 50% will probably leave and the other 50% will just become like them sooner or later leaving just one pure deathmatch, distant sniping bloodfest. please try and tell me i'm wrong.

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After seeing http://dayzmod.com/f...bat-preference/, and seeing how many people are choosing the "I shoot whatever's on the end of my scope" option, here's another thing I don't understand about this community:

If you want to kill people in intense firefights, why not just play ArmA II? You already bought it. Just filter what server mission you want. ArmA II has intense firefights, and everbody will give you resistance; which I guess is more interesting than shooting someone who does nothing but look at you because they don't have a weapon.

(No, I wasn't killed by anything. But I am constantly reading the forums and sometimes throw in my 2¢ about the things people do. Why so many topics about it? What else is there to talk about? Complain about hackers? Complain about glitches? Talk about pwning n00bs in Cherno? I'd rather talk about something that ISN'T fixable in an update. More interesting.)

So there you have it. Don't grief people unnecessarily. Play vanilla ArmA II.

Permadeath is what makes firefights so amazing and intense.

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Permadeath is what makes firefights so amazing and intense.

That is exactly the attitude I hate. Yes, the game has perma-death. But is it really? I mean, people use tents as a respawn crutch anyway; not like you lose anything. Besides, you can just run back to your body and get what you lost. Point being, there isn't really a perma-death, so therefore, you are getting false amusement off of it. Please leave to another game.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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People go to cherno or electro to fight each other. If you don't want to fight you shouldn't be there.

but why do people go there to fight each other why not somewhere like nwa, or an inland town that would lead to a longer and more engaging firefight?

like only people on the forums or older players know that cherno and electro are the "fight clubs", yet new players would have no clue of this info, so really wouldn't interesting firefights between more veteran players occur at inland towns?

Edited by Orthus

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Without PvP and the fear of losing your gear this game wouldnt be what it is. PvE isnt really a challenge. I shoot everyone i see unless your in my group and thats how ill play from now on stand alone or not i dont care. Tried the trust thing and got shot in the back to many times

Edited by Chrom3

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The problem with this thinking is that combat in ArmA II is not nearly as intense as it is in DayZ.

I understand where you are coming from, but I disagree entirely. The intensity of a virtual firefight and the real-world consequences thereof share a tenuous relationship, at best. Also, there is no intensity in getting popped in the head from 500 meters.

At this point I would actually posit that DayZ firefights are the least intense they can be - you assume that everyone is hostile and treat them accordingly. In the first weeks of the mod, meeting someone and interacting with them in a non-lethal manner was a far more intense (and rewarding) gaming experience than any the shooting gallery we now inhabit offers.

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Those people who play this as TDM Cherno/elektro are the very same people who's ass ur kicking in all other FPS games..

Call of Cherno

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I can see your logical statements in your OP. However this is Chernarus, we're on the end of the percentage of the human population as we know it, with no official military/government to guide us. We have nothing but ourselves or our friends/families. I as sure wouldn't trust some guy I just randomly see on the other side of the street. Indications of physical and facial expressions would also factor in on whether I would encounter him or not. But we do not have that much of a luxury. All we have is voice chat, direct type, and what gun they have. And when neither of you speak nor have the time to communicate in the three seconds you see each other, I would go with shooting the other person. :)

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Well, I have my own code of honor.

#1. If i see you, and you have high end gear that I want, you're dead.

#2. If you see me first, and don't shoot, I won't shoot either... Even if you have high end gear.

#3. If you're a sniper, you're dead.

#4. If you help me out in any way, shape, or form, I won't shoot.

#5. If you're a new spawn, I won't shoot.

#6. If you shoot first, you're dead.

#7. Whenever I go a' snipin, I usually do it just for the lulz... I.E., shooting near a surviver and freaking them half to death. Won't actually shoot them, though.

I guess you could call me... a half bandit.

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Permadeath is what makes firefights so amazing and intense.
But its not permadeath, is it?

You're really gaming 'death' too, because when you respawn you'll hook up with your buddies. Then if they can't resupply you directly, you have a pretty good idea where to go to get supplies, and you'll have plenty of support in getting them. Then its right back to Cherno or Electro for more yuks shooting whomever.

When you kill me, you'll say its just a game. There's a big difference between us, because we're playing different games. I'm playing a survival horror game. I don't want to know what the map looks like, where the towns are, or what sort of loot I can expect to find at different locations. Not knowing makes the game more intense. Today I killed three zombies with an axe hatchet. I can't do that in ARMA II. I didn't hurt anyone but the Zeds. It was friggin awesome, and nobody saw it.

Those guys that killed me on the beach after I spawned? They were playing a "murder the jogger for whatever is in his pockets" simulator. That is *not* PvP, its psychotic thrill-killing. They won't play ARMA II, because they might get hurt.

See you in Cherno. I'll bring the axe.

Edited by KarlMonster
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Those guys that killed me on the beach after I spawned? They were playing a "murder the jogger for whatever is in his pockets" simulator. That is *not* PvP, its psychotic thrill-killing. They won't play ARMA II, because they might get hurt.

+1, true story

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Well it seems that would make you go around in this continuous pvp loop which is why i see some players getting frustrated with the game. Most pvpers say they camp cherno/elektro cos they got all the high end gear and get bored and then some will say they do it to get high end gear which then leads back to boredom. I never stick to one play style, sometimes i pvp sometimes i run around with my crew and pve, depends on my mood. And what i mean by PVP is that i actually go into towns and NWAF with an assault rifle or whatever and hunt people down the good ol fashioned way. Most of you pvpers out there should try it instead of just camping on hills and buildings sniping people who dont stand a chance, and for the record i been playing for a month now and am yet to meet ONE pvper that does it like i do, instead its just BOOM! headshot etc. And furthermore other people running around noob spawns and griefing them DOES dictate how the game is played as 50% will probably leave and the other 50% will just become like them sooner or later leaving just one pure deathmatch, distant sniping bloodfest. please try and tell me i'm wrong.

Yes once you find all the gear PvPing is the only challenge left. This should also change. PvE should be challenging and rewarding too, and most of all fun. Now it's not, it's just shooting mindless, buggy, olympic runners that have almost no loot. NWAF is no fun cause it's full of tryhard server hoppers. Yeah we've been there, it's just long wait and fighting disappearing snipers. No fun. Stary sobor is fun... or was, now it's just one huge artifact. But yeah we conquer it from time to time. But again it's not that many people. In cherno/electro you will always have people to shot at and after a couple of kills, many people hunting you. That's why people go there. And the sooner new players realize it's a good idea to shoot everyone they see, they sooner they stop dieing. Sorry but FFA DM is the gamemode of DayZ in current state. Maybe the skins will change it a bit now. But still, getting a bandit skin is the only downside of killing on sight while there are just so many advantages. Loot, they can't shoot you, PvP is the only challenge. To change it you have to change the mechanics of the game. People will always go the easiest, most efficient way. We're as bad as the game makes us.

but why do people go there to fight each other why not somewhere like nwa, or an inland town that would lead to a longer and more engaging firefight?

In cherno/electro you can go back there after respawning and join the fun again with your first gun. And towns are fun places to pvp. On open fields you'd just camp in a treeline probably next to another group of people doing the same thing.

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Yes once you find all the gear PvPing is the only challenge left. This should also change. PvE should be challenging and rewarding too, and most of all fun. Now it's not, it's just shooting mindless, buggy, olympic runners that have almost no loot. NWAF is no fun cause it's full of tryhard server hoppers. Yeah we've been there, it's just long wait and fighting disappearing snipers. No fun. Stary sobor is fun... or was, now it's just one huge artifact. But yeah we conquer it from time to time. But again it's not that many people. In cherno/electro you will always have people to shot at and after a couple of kills, many people hunting you. That's why people go there. And the sooner new players realize it's a good idea to shoot everyone they see, they sooner they stop dieing. Sorry but FFA DM is the gamemode of DayZ in current state. Maybe the skins will change it a bit now. But still, getting a bandit skin is the only downside of killing on sight while there are just so many advantages. Loot, they can't shoot you, PvP is the only challenge. To change it you have to change the mechanics of the game. People will always go the easiest, most efficient way. We're as bad as the game makes us.

That is a very valid point. My only rebuttal and i've stated this in many a debate, is what most, if not all, bandits classify as "PVP". Though i have done it myself i shan't lie but sitting atop some building or hill etc. sniping players from 400+ meters away without them being aware of your existence takes the word versus out of the term PVP. I personally got bored of it and found it to be terribly unfair to all the new faces coming into DayZ, so now when i pvp i stash all my good loot, if i have any, then grab whatever i can afford to lose and just tear round the two cities causing manic and mayhem. I find it to be a much more enthralling experience for both me and my victims, and it also gives them a fighting chance to at least learn some of the combat mechanics of this game. It's justified to say to be more careful of snipers when scavenging the big city, but when almost every would-be bandit in game is employing the exact same method, the so called "PVP" in this game i find to become stale and boring. I have been playing for a month now and of all the countless times i've died by someone else's hands, 95% of those hands contained a sniper of some calibre. So i ask you, WHERE ARE ALL THE TRUE PVP HEADS AT???!!! THE FEARLESS ONES WHO LOVE THE THRILL OF THE HUNT!! screw this cowardly long range killing, it's weak and down right easy and you know it.

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We camp cherno rooftops with enfields, much more fun.

More challenging but the same theory applies.

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the sooner new players realize it's a good idea to shoot everyone they see,


Edited by omgwtfbbq

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I find it halarious how people are like "I wish when i met someone they wouldnt kill me right away because i wanted to work togather with them to kill endless respawning, bugged out zombies who aggro from 1500 meteres away while proned in grass".

So let me get this straight. You meet a random dude. You both agree not to shoot each other. Now what? You fucking hold hands and run through virtual KM's of open wilderness with the fucking hopes and dreams that youll actually stay in sight of each other, or that you wont desync and suddenly be out of LOS and forever lost from each other. And from there how do you meet up again? Hell i play with 2 of my IRL freinds that LIVE in the same house as me and sometimes one of us wanders off and crashes and we have to regroup, and that can be a bloody nightmare at times. The concept of teaming up with another player for more then a 5 minute adventure is not practical by any sense. IF you want co-op play play with people you actually know....otherwise shoot anything with a gun before it shoots you.

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I find it halarious how people are like "I wish when i met someone they wouldnt kill me right away because i wanted to work togather with them to kill endless respawning, bugged out zombies who aggro from 1500 meteres away while proned in grass".

So let me get this straight. You meet a random dude. You both agree not to shoot each other. Now what? You fucking hold hands and run through virtual KM's of open wilderness with the fucking hopes and dreams that youll actually stay in sight of each other, or that you wont desync and suddenly be out of LOS and forever lost from each other. And from there how do you meet up again? Hell i play with 2 of my IRL freinds that LIVE in the same house as me and sometimes one of us wanders off and crashes and we have to regroup, and that can be a bloody nightmare at times. The concept of teaming up with another player for more then a 5 minute adventure is not practical by any sense. IF you want co-op play play with people you actually know....otherwise shoot anything with a gun before it shoots you.

Wrong topic, bro.

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Used to be alot of populated Arma 2 multiplayer servers before DayZ rolled around and put an end to that. CTI was awesome. '7th cav tactical realism' or something is a pretty fun co-op server, one of the few decent arma 2 servers left.

Edited by The Poacher

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Just wait for the standalone to drag all the shoot on sight people with it, stay with the mod along with all the people that don't shoot along, PROFIT :D

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