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Your opinions on forced server rules (3DP, Crosshair etc )

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I don't use third-person camera, so I have no real opinion on it.

However, I do have vision problems that make it difficult for me to use iron-sights at times, and the brightly-contrasting ArmA crosshairs are really useful for me...but the nametag thing is just annoying. Even when I do spot a nametag, I try to ignore it because I feel like I should spot these people using my own skill, not the game's.

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Veteran setup server are the definitive DayZ experience, if you play on third-person cam and crosshair servers you are just spoiling the game for yourself.

Third person cam kills much of the stealth and just allows players to exploit cover and having crosshairs just turns the game into a sprayfest.

Nametags should be off also but it would be nice if they could appear around 5-10m just to faster friendly player recognition (handy when in groups).

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First of all' date=' I did never intend to come off as a douchebag or being ignorant, I'm actually interested in your opinion(s).

Not actually trying to make this more difficult but I have no idea what your idea of "the shakes" is then, I assumed it was the hand-shaking when you take a lot of damage.

I always use the iron sights when I fire, except perhaps really clutch situations.


I think it's when you say: 'First of all' that gets on my nerves. Sorry. I don't want to be douche here either or make it more difficult. I tried to get some decent captures of certain other things and can't get it working atm to post you a vid. Fraps could do it and be easier on me, but I just can't stand trial software. So I'm trying out Taksi an open source capture prog. I haven't slept much so I'm not about to troubleshoot atm either, hehe.

edit: wrong scenario...When you get a chance or happen to get hit by a Z it should trigger this effect. The camera will shake uncontrollably side to side, up down and all that. You can't remove the shake unless you either take painkillers or go 3rd person. The hands thing I don't know what your talking about. I never really paid attention to that little detail. I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to push a certain play style on you or anyone else. I just think that DayZ is better played in first person and everyone should experience it in that way. But I guess that in itself is pushing it on you. Meh.

First of a... I'm just kidding.

The scenario I'm talking of, is the unctrollable shaking of your hands after getting struck by a zombie multiple times ( it does not happen always, but very often ( the shaking )) this makes aiming very difficult.

I must admit I have not noticed the insane shaking of the screen in general ( while in first person, I don't alywas play 3rd person ) but I guess we're talking about the same scenario, just a different event of the scenario.

The screen does get blurry/black/white and all that shit in third person as well iirc ( I'm tired as hounds as well ).

As for your capturing of the footage, my only experiences have been with Fraps, Xsplit and FME ( the two last ones are mainly for streaming, but can handle recording as well ). FME is free, but takes a shit-ton of setting up :|. Xsplit has watermarks in local recording I think, I may be wrong.

But yeah, I get it, you think and feel that the game is more immersed for you in first person, I respect that. I'm in no position to tell you what you think is wrong, I'm simply stating that I feel the game is more immersed ( i hope I'm spelling this correctly holy shit ) for me in third person, why? I honestly do not know the answer.

When I do have to play in first person ( either enforced by the server, or when I'm inside houses/buildings or shooting ) I play with 0 headbob, and 0 deadzone. The bobbing makes me nausiated, and the deadzone I didn't really figure out much use for, since I use ALT to freelook pretty much all the time. I also use the double-tap on numpad minus to increase the FOV of the game.

This thread was to get input from the community on what the overall opinion is, from what I can tell everyone agrees that nameplates/whatevertheyarecalled and handscanning is retarded, and should be removed, as for the third person camera, it's pretty much 50/50 I guess.

I just wonder if listening to some old Elton John records will attract the genius behind this, and we can get his input on this.

+1 if you got the reference.

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I too find it hard to fathom why there are so many servers with dam crosshair enabled.

I dont mind 3rd person but crosshair scanning is just retarded.

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So for all you 3rd person advocates.

Do you use 1st or 3rd person when you have the shakes (of course when having no painkillers on hand)? And don't tell me there's never a time you don't have painkillers. If there hasn't been a time. You must be some kind of ninja or hermit in the woods. Without ever having to use painkillers or stocking up on them so much to not be able to carry anything else. I'm guessing your going to say 3rd person. Cause if you can't handle head bob you sure as hell wouldn't/couldn't deal with that. So that right there is game breaking. Please don't say your aim is messed up when you have the shakes even in 3rd person 'cause that's easily compensated for.

Like I said in my post I switch to first person when in combat. I don't need my screen shaking while I'm walking. It's not game breaking and it's not immersion breaking, and anyway I am a hermit in the woods and I always have painkillers because I make sure I have them.

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This game is too buggy for no 3dp.

Plus, it's more involving if I can see my character and not disembodied hands.

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This game is way too immersive and it's still hard as balls to spot anyone around walls if you have your nose against a wall' date=' as you put it.


You're a pretty capable person not being able to do that. When 3rd is enabled that's all I ever do, then pop out and shoot someone who never had a chance to see me. Well, atleast from now on I can just ignore your posts as you obviously don't have any skills.

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The great thing about the BI platform is that you can customize the difficulty in every little detain to your liking' date=' you can even create addons and mods! I think we should celebrate the versatility of the real virtuality engine, rather than trying to limit it.

If you don't like a server's difficulty settings, you should find another that you like instead.


Thing is, every server is bound to a core data server, hence all should ahve the same rules, but now, some have day only, helps on etc...

Racecars are very customizable aswell, yet all racing leagues have pretty much identical cars.

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I need the handscan personally only because I play with my friends and I need to know which person is who. If some sort of group system is implemented I wouldn't need it anymore.

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3rd person view takes the fun out of crawling between z's and lets you peek around corners and behind fences etc... Crosshair is just too arcadeish and the name tag is nothing but a wallhack.

So all three are big no no for me. After all' date=' this supposed to be a (the) "survival" game.



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Let servers do what they want. Devs make the game and world, servers make the rules. Find a server you like.

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Let servers do what they want. Devs make the game and world' date=' servers make the rules. Find a server you like.


Let servers do what they want leads to crap like Black Ops. I can't even play it, I get a heli and then I get kicked because the admin is in the other team. Or then the server you randomly join is a REALISM server which means if you jump and shoot the admin you get banned because it was not realistic. Garry's Mod is another game full of 14 year old admins who ban you if you kill them. I have a lot of respect for DayZ devs for keeping the retarded admins in check. 10 years ago this wasn't a problem but nowadays most admins seem to be powerhungry little 14 year old nerds who love to showoff online.

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I want servers to have crosshairs and 3dp off so I can stop being a little regular bitch :(

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Personally I love 3rd Person view but not dont really care for crosshairs. On one hand I think server owners should be able to set as they wish, however, its a royal pain that you can't filter on those things...I imagine there are many disconnects because of this...or night..or rain.

Rain being a theoretically shortterm thing, you shouldnt be able to filter it of course but day/night, crosshairs and 3rd person would be helpful.

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The chances of the namte tags to get you killed are rare. I am yet to see someone get owned due to it as in "he was spotted thru a mountain or whatever". Hell many people get shot and blame it on the name tags. First of all to see someone's name you must aim at him and chances are you won't if he's not in your sight. Then i'd rather have that low risk of my name beeing seen from 500m away than not knowing who the hell i'm looking at to ask in chat if they're friendly and what not. Try being in a group with 6 people with no name tags on, it's GG, who's who? especially if nobody has MIC.

3rd pers is fine. If you don't like name tags just stick to servers that got em off. Variety is where it's at.

I'm indifferent with the crosshair. Shooting from 3rd person view with crosshair is hard when you have to do headshots and in first person without crosshair it's not too hard. Once you get it how it works you can easily forsee where the bullet will hit.

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I don't like the crosshairs nor the 3rd person mode. It's too easy to hit with any gun if you have the crosshair enabled. It's COD and kindergarten style.

The 3rd person mode is cheat mode. If you want to look from behind a stone, wall or tree, you should peek and expose yourself.

The nametagging is ok, if it can be made to work for max 5m's only. Right now the distance is too far. You can see people who are hiding and that you normally wouldn't see.

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note to self - don't ever respond within 3 minutes of waking up

This game is way too immersive and it's still hard as balls to spot anyone around walls if you have your nose against a wall' date=' as you put it.


You're a pretty capable person not being able to do that. When 3rd is enabled that's all I ever do, then pop out and shoot someone who never had a chance to see me. Well, atleast from now on I can just ignore your posts as you obviously don't have any skills.

Stop being so fucking ignorant, this is a sandbox survival game, It sounds like you are one of the inbreds who sit in electro/cherno all day, I'm the complete opposite, I'm way up north surviving.

Which one of us is playing the game correctly? Both of us, that's the whole point. You choose how to play it, and you execute the plan you've made. My plan is to survive, take no stupid risks, and see how long I can live, I'm currently at 6 days and counting, 1 bandit kill, 0 murders.

Let servers do what they want. Devs make the game and world' date=' servers make the rules. Find a server you like.


Let servers do what they want leads to crap like Black Ops. I can't even play it, I get a heli and then I get kicked because the admin is in the other team. Or then the server you randomly join is a REALISM server which means if you jump and shoot the admin you get banned because it was not realistic. Garry's Mod is another game full of 14 year old admins who ban you if you kill them. I have a lot of respect for DayZ devs for keeping the retarded admins in check. 10 years ago this wasn't a problem but nowadays most admins seem to be powerhungry little 14 year old nerds who love to showoff online.

This is the most ironic thing I've read since Charles Darwin married his first cousin.

For the future of this thread, you are free to reply, but please keep your bullshit out of it.

I actually agree with you that I'm happy the Dev team of Dayz has limited the admins powers, I've heard a few stories where admins have been abusing on dayz already ( restarting servers to not die, vehicle spawns etc ).

I'm not saying the correct way is to limit everyone to no nameplates/crosshairs and third person, it's merely a suggestion.

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Stop being so fucking ignorant' date=' this is a sandbox survival game, It sounds like you are one of the inbreds who sit in electro/cherno all day, I'm the complete opposite, I'm way up north surviving.

Which one of us is playing the game correctly? Both of us, that's the whole point. You choose how to play it, and you execute the plan you've made. My plan is to survive, take no stupid risks, and see how long I can live, I'm currently at 6 days and counting, 1 bandit kill, 0 murders.


I don't know what you read but you're out in space talking about another subject. I was talking about 3rd person being a cheat. There used to be a cheat for counter-strike to get 3rd person. There's a reason it was a cheat and not something else.

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I think this thread shows exactly why it is a customisable option in the first place, and why it should remain such. People have such wide and varying views on the subject (Although mostly third person it seems) that removing any of them will just piss off a significant part of the community. If you so passionately hate any of the options, play on a server that has them disabled, it really is that simple.

I personally am ambivalent on all of the options. I would rather a third person server given the choice however. I find it convenient, immersive, pretty and less boring (When travelling). I don't do much PvP however. I can kind of understand bandits getting annoyed about it, but honestly, it doesn't seem like such a big deal, especially when both parties have the ability.

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