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After i put up my videos alot of people have asked me to teach them how to make their own cinematic videos becouse they say they have great ideas for movies themselfs. I allways tell them to look for tutorials about the Arma 2 Editor. But it seems like it is to hard for the majority of people.

So here i'am without any ideas for movies. So if you have an idea for a film, scetch, music video or what-ever. Tell me, if it's HQ i may produce it. For more infomation contact me here or Email ([email protected]), email is better as it's faster to get a answer from me.

Note that you will be credited for your part of the project.

If you havn't seen my videos or want to se how my movies look like:

Or http://www.youtube.c...owToDoComputers

Edited by MilleFh

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