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Chernarus Tactical Force ~RECRUITING~

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~Chernarus Tactical Force~


A DayZ Clan

Chernarus Tactical Force is a structured DayZ clan. We are based around

squads and tactical play. We are a serious clan, but have room for fun. We strive for the best experience

for all of our members, and give them everything they need.

[CTF] Code of Honor

1. Never kill newly spawned players

2. Always be respectful to higher ranking members

3. Never disconnect or ALT + F4 from a battle

4. Never use unfair tactics (ghosting, hacking, etc)

5. Be loyal to the clan

[CTF] Joining Requirements

1. Be 18 years of age or older

2. Have a quality microphone

3. Willing to be active

4. Mature and tactical player

5. Willing to put the [CTF] tag in your DayZ name

[CTF] Squad Roles

1. Squad Commander - Leader of the squad, gives out orders to squad members.

2. Medic - Carries a majority of the medical supplies, heals injured members.

3. Overwatch - The eyes of the group, typically stays far away, carries a long range rifle.

4. Raider - Will typically bring an empty backpack when raiding, carries a majority of the goodies found.

5. Assault - Carries powerful weaponry, should have a lot of ammo, and a good vehicle driver.

[CTF] Application

1. How long you have had DayZ:

2. What role you would like to play:

3. What country to live in and timezone:

4. Age:

5. A bit about yourself

We are based in US/Canada. All applications will be read within 24 hours, if not sooner. If you wish to contact me, you can add me on Skype: anthony_Rayd.

Edited by ChernarusTacticalForce
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1. How long have you had DayZ? About a month.

2. How old are you? 21

3. What is your favorite weapon/role? DMR/Sniper

4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: No DayZ clans but currently in BF3 clan.

5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? Yes

Steam or Skype name: skimmin850 for both

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1. How long have you had DayZ? Two months

2. How old are you? 19

3. What is your favorite weapon/role? M16a2/M24(basically anything that starts with an M)/Medic

4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: None, just some small group experience.

5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? Yes

Steam or Skype name: steam - cmcfrenchie

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1. How long have you had DayZ? 4 Days

2. How old are you? 18

3. What is your favorite weapon/role? Double Barrel or Winchester

4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: Military realism clan in battlefield

5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? Yes

Steam or Skype name: Skype: harrylaurent Steam: h4344

Edited by h4344

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I'll apply, no fun not playing with people

1. for about 3 weeks

2. 24

3. Silenced weapons. Stealth

4.Use to play cs 1.6 clan for about 4 years


Steam name is Siren and you can PM for my skype name cause I'll probably have to give you my email address.

I have a steel series headset. Works quite nicely.

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1. How long have you had DayZ? 4 Days

2. How old are you? 21

3. What is your favorite weapon/role? Crossbow

4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: DodS and CSS. Recruiting Officer

5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? Yes

Steam or Skype name: Skype: Jandrew209 Steam: Heretique

Edited by Jandrew209

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1. How long have you had DayZ? About 3 months.

2. How old are you? 19

3. What is your favorite weapon/role? Favorite weapon is DMR and role is sniper. Can work as a lead sniper with a spotter.

4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: I run a squad in NW Airfield of about 4 guys.

5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? If the commands aren't given by an a-hole.

Steam or Skype name: Skype: pointynrownshoes

Edited by Pointybrownshoes

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1. About a week

2. 22

3. Weapons: Rifles and the hatchet Roles: Assault, Medic, Scavenger

4. Yes, in CS 1.5 and 1.6

5. Yes

6. Steam ID: falcon12345

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Im 14, but I am very mature. Do you think if I made a good enough effort I might be able to join? I will make an application if given an opportunity

Edited by zappy5443

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1. How long have you had DayZ?

A month and a half, give or take

2. How old are you?


3. Favorite weapon/role

Assault Rifles / close to mid range combat

4. Prior experiences

Was in a Battlefield 2 clan and have had a short military career IRL

5. Willing to follow orders?


SteamID: Pallustris

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1. How long have you had DayZ? I have had DayZ for 3 months now.

2. How old are you? 17, almost 18.

3. What is your favorite weapon/role? M4 Series, M4A1 Camo SD to be specific. My favorite role is to go into town and loot dead bodies and buildings. I have gone into Berezino and looted every place possible, military barracks, industrial, residential, etc. and did not agro a single zombie, and I have been alive for 25 days now.

4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: Independent Gaming Community, or IGC for short.

5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? Yes, always, especially to ranking officers.

Steam or Skype name: Skype name: darknesswargod

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What is the goal of your group?

Are you KoS, helpful, or somewhere inbetween?

If you can provide a little more detail about your plans, I would consider applying. I'd like to know what I'm getting into beforehand.

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1) about 1 month

2) 21

3) Crossbow, because its old school

4) I've been in clans for older games like BF2 and Delta force 2.

5) yes, I'm willing to follow a hierarchy :-)

6) steam: Simplysubiime , skype: lmbell1991

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What is the goal of your group?

Are you KoS, helpful, or somewhere inbetween?

If you can provide a little more detail about your plans, I would consider applying. I'd like to know what I'm getting into beforehand.

We KoS if we see someone that could be a threat. Such as 3 heavily armed guys. If we see one guy with a Winchester, we won't shoot unless he does.

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1. 1 month

2. 29

3. Favorite weapon is any weapon with ammo !! Favorite role is gathering supplies. Hiding in the bushes for sneak attacks if threatened !

4. None

5. Yes

Steam name : tater259

Edited by ChrisGa

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How long have I had DayZ?

I've had it for about a month and a half.

How old am I?

19 since June.

My favorite weapon and role?

I love the m4 series but I love recon so I choose the SVD camo. I can sit around for dayz (get it?) waiting and watching for the perfect moment and shot.

Any clan experience?

No, since it's only been a month and a half, but I learn pretty quick and I've picked up this game fairly easily.

And finally, am I able to use tactics and follow commands?

Of course I am. Whats a clan without teamwork?

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How long have I had DayZ?

I've had it for about a month and a half.

How old am I?

19 since June.

My favorite weapon and role?

I love the m4 series but I love recon so I choose the SVD camo. I can sit around for dayz (get it?) waiting and watching for the perfect moment and shot.

Any clan experience?

No, since it's only been a month and a half, but I learn pretty quick and I've picked up this game fairly easily.

And finally, am I able to use tactics and follow commands?

Of course I am. Whats a clan without teamwork?

Oh I forgot. My skype is kevin.ly182

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1. How long have you had DayZ? - Over Two months, got DayZ in June.

2. How old are you? - 21

3. What is your favorite weapon/role?

Weapon - Crossbow (yes I can be efficient with it), AS50, any Silenced weapon.

Roles - I enjoy sniping or scout/close quarters.

4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: I've been in only one DayZ Clan, several BF3 Clans, and a handful of Valve related game Clans.

5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? - Yes I can follow orders without a problem or lead a squad/team.

Steam Name - Loveundermytail

Skype Name - Suckmyyiffstick

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