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The immersion of most handguns and, actually rifles are pretty bad to be honest. I watched some videos on youtube of arma ACE mod and the sounds are just fuckin kick ass.

I am not sure how it i with licences or if it would require some permission but how about ''exctract'' the sounds from ACE (OFC with there permission) and use them for the weapons that are used in dayz?

To say something positive though I love the zombie sounds...Its so damn funny and whenever I get chased by them I laugh really hard at the noises they do :)

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I would just wait for the standalone. The Arma engine we're using now is getting old. Go and look at some vids of the Arma 3 engine, it looks and sounds amazing. I read an interview with the devs and the effort they've put in to the sound effects is stunning.

Also, your not using Arma Lite are you? If so you'll have low res. textures and lower quality soundfiles too.

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The immersion of most handguns and, actually rifles are pretty bad to be honest. I watched some videos on youtube of arma ACE mod and the sounds are just fuckin kick ass.

I am not sure how it i with licences or if it would require some permission but how about ''exctract'' the sounds from ACE (OFC with there permission) and use them for the weapons that are used in dayz?

To say something positive though I love the zombie sounds...Its so damn funny and whenever I get chased by them I laugh really hard at the noises they do :)

Honestly, you think that's unreal - try the footsteps!

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Yeah most gunfire in the game is too queit, ace has it right for volume.

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All the gunshots are rather quiet (They have to be, loud gunshots in a game get very annoying very quickly), but the actual sounds are pretty darn close.

I've used m16's, ak74's and 47's, along with RPK's, Lee Enfield, an array of lever action shotguns, Colt .45, M9, and a lot of the other guns from this mod. (Basically everything but the high tech stuff, LMG's, and rockets/grenades) They all sound pretty much the same as they do in real life. They're all at least close enough.

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I would just wait for the standalone. The Arma engine we're using now is getting old. Go and look at some vids of the Arma 3 engine, it looks and sounds amazing. I read an interview with the devs and the effort they've put in to the sound effects is stunning.

Also, your not using Arma Lite are you? If so you'll have low res. textures and lower quality soundfiles too.

Yup A3 looks great and yes I have the full package. Sounds logical to wait for standalone on A3 engine but I wonder how far that is?

All the gunshots are rather quiet (They have to be, loud gunshots in a game get very annoying very quickly), but the actual sounds are pretty darn close

Yeah most gunfire in the game is too queit, ace has it right for volume.

I'm kind of ok with the volume, although for military/survivor game and wheather higher volume get annoying or not, the guns should have the ''annoying'' metal, damn loud punch

I've used m16's, ak74's and 47's, along with RPK's, Lee Enfield, an array of lever action shotguns, Colt .45, M9, and a lot of the other guns from this mod. (Basically everything but the high tech stuff, LMG's, and rockets/grenades) They all sound pretty much the same as they do in real life. They're all at least close enough.

Well first, we all perceive sounds little differently, so sounds and what and how we hear them is little subjective. Second, It's been long since but I've tried few glocks, all kind of revolvers and also AK 107 (I think it was 107) and IMO the sounds are nowhere close. The ingame sounds are very, very low sample, scaled down and god knows what else. The immersion just isn't there, like the kick you get when fireing it (obviously that can't be simulated in game) but if you get my grip?

Probably the best I can describe it : its toned down too much and very poor samples were used

Edited by Colonel-Wicked

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I think a lot of the sounds will probably get a makeover for the standalone coming up. Those kind of time resources (right now anyway) are probably better spent on new mechanics of the game.

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I think a lot of the sounds will probably get a makeover for the standalone coming up. Those kind of time resources (right now anyway) are probably better spent on new mechanics of the game.

Fair point and even though I fully agree, the sounds are really braking it for me personaly as I don't find them ok but downright horrible. As said though I hope this area gets some love soon too.

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The gun sounds sound like paint ball guns to me, they could better change it.

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