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Jordan T Moore

Free Awesome Loot

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Ok, I was at a military tower and a survivor came up the stairs. He startled me, so I shot at him with a machine gun. He told me if I continued shooting him he would kill me. Funny thing was, he didnt have a weapon. But I stopped. His friend came up the stairs; he looked well geared. Anyway, the first guy told me to follow outside the walkway around the tower and out of curiosity I did. They killed the zombies that began to come up the stairs and then he told me to go prone and he gave me a ton of good stuff.. Like an AS50 with like +4 mags, its not a TWS. anyway I was VERY confused but thankful.. Was like wtf though. They said they steal from the rich and give to the poor... I have told quite a few friends. From what one said im going to assume those guys were hacking; to teleport to me and get the gear.. Whenever I shot at him, he probably should have been dead consider I shot at least 5bullets into him. A wtf moment for me. Just thought I would share with you guys for entertainment purposes. EDITED

Edited by Jordan T Moore

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I don't understand your story. Sorry, I read it twice and it makes no sense.

Edit* - I understood it until the "after telling friends" sentence. Then you confused me.

Edited by Fraggle

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I, too, am like, "wtf".

Try very hard, next time, to form your sentences into logical thoughts, then type them down and reread. Otherwise, english starts to look a lot like gibberish. Or mindless rambling.

Other than that, good story. Possibly a hacker, no proof so maybe not.

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