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logging out then being spawned in a new area

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yesterday i log out at the north eastern air field and when i logged on later that night it logged me in 2 blocks above skalka at the end end of the road, i was sniped after getting to the nearest deer stand, then i spawned at chernogorsk and when i loged out it threw me all the way over by prigordisky just curous whats the cause of this anyone know?

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yeah i kept all my stuff but i was with my group of friends is what really ticks me off about it. is there a bad file or something?

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I JUST had this happen to me tonight. I had just gotten a vehicle and spent about 2 hours running around and filling it with supplies. I saved the vehicle and logged out. Only to log back in and find myself on the coast in a starting location. Still have all of my gear as well.

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This is happening to me too. I log out near the NWA or Devil's Castle and end up logging into Kamenka with all my gear intact. We don't have any clothing equipped.

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no i didnt have the ghillie didnt have anything important besides a silenced mp5, also i had never been to skalka.

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anyone get that insane graphic where ur looking and its just blah and u can turn to the left or right and its fine but the direction u want is all crazy

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haha ok so just incountered a hacker broke my leg didnt think much of it cause i was sprinting in the mountains well pretty soon it broke again i was crouched me and my friends were like wtf then my friend started danceing we dont know the dance command....disconnect

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This has happened to me at least 10 times. and its fuckign annoying, i was in the airfield, teled to Kamenka, i then get teled to cherno, kozlovka and each time i started making my way back there. Sometimes The glitch doesnt happen and i can walk freely. I eventually was on a role, no teleporting and i finnally got to Novy Sobor. I go to bed wake up and im still there! I then have a break come back and im in prigordky

This is the most annoying bug of them all.

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Happens to me about half the time. A quarter of the time I log in normally. The other quarter I log in with pain.

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