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session lost after shooting...

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Today after chasing a couple guys for 20min around stary finally spoted them good north of this town. shooted one of them who went down instantly (+1 dead) but no message of player XXX has dead. was changing a bit position in order to engage 2nd player when suddenly "SESSION LOST" ,server restart and about 5min rollback, so -1 dead and -1 can of soda -.-'

ive frapsed it, server was NL 20, does it even worth to upload? -.-' damn u guys that was ugly coincidence or very nasty admin...



(btw dont have wh was just adjusting zoom to 1st level in as50 :D)

ps:. this alrdy happened to 1 of my friends in this server.

pss:. is it possible to happen by any server error?

psss:. abuse?

Edited by shilu
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some people think that if they have payed the rent for the server they can do what they want, lock it and take all the vehicles, restart when they get killed. the only think they should fo is kick hackers and restart sometimes..

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