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Wanting to trade for night vision

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We have stanag/sd mags m24 sniper with 3 rounds , m107 mags ,m249 belts and some other stuff let me know if you're interested.

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If we meet it will be on my terms.

You will meet me carrying absolutely nothing there for I have no reason to kill you and I know you can't kill me. I'll then give you directions when I can see, to make sure you don't have your friends sniping it will most likely be in a valley set up with my team. in the center of the valley I will leave a flair and backpack next to it. in the back back there will be the goggles and the range finders. you will then leave the car and run, having nothing but my word that I will not shoot you.

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Just to clarify I was being sarcastic towards your first post..

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