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-GC- Joker

Looking for Clan!

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Unfortunately for some, i'm of the Bandit type. I'm trustworthy and I do play with a few friend I have met in-game. I am looking for a clan/group of guys who can cooperate and organize with each other to pull off assaults and therefor further ourselves and the clan. I do listen to "orders" and I am a team player.


Age 16.. more on the mature side.

Self proclaimed funny guy.

2-3 month experience of the game.

Have been basically everywhere in-game

Always have a halfway decent weapon. (Actually right on I kinda killed 3 guys in a truck and am currently in possession of a L85A2 AWS)

Had an ATV... I don't want to talk about it.

anything I missed? comment.

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Hey dude, Im not part of a clan, but we should hang out sometime.

I am Kidd on DayZ, and I am 14 years old IRL. I like to go by Remi.

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Hey dude, Im not part of a clan, but we should hang out sometime.

I am Kidd on DayZ, and I am 14 years old IRL. I like to go by Remi.

steam name?

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hey man im 16 too and just recently started playing dayz. i only got about 2-3 weeks of gameplay in dayz so im kinda new to it

but it would rlly be awesome to finally start playing with a partner or a small group. skype name: bloodbath767

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