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sorry i killed you on uk8117

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me and my clan mates where fixing up one of are buddies it took along time so i typed in chat im gonna go wake up elektro so i pulled out my m9 and ran around on the docks shooting i came back to my clan mates the i saw that there was a noobie following me i truned and he stoped i but my last bullet in his head any i thought he died but he didnt a few seconds later he gets up and i pull out my m4sd and told my clan mates we are gonna shoot him in the leg and leave him there i shot him in the leg and he died :( im sorry Brad

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My english is not native and i still can write good enough for ppl to understand me, you should try it.

I didnt understand 1 damn sentance.

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He was apologizing for killing a noob named "Brad" on uk8117, you smarmy fart huffer.

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