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NoOne (DayZ)

This Clan Is Falling Apart [11Th] Clan

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I am a member of the 11th Clan i will not be Stating my Clan name. But in my opinion the clan is falling apart. we went from a organised clan with 1 big base to every one lone wolfing it with there own small base and they can't trust anyone. It feels like you are in a public teamspeak rather than a clan.now i know why most players are teamkilling and leaving the clan. they need to straiten there shit out and the leaders need to step it up and make it organised again

If you are in a clan tell me how good yours is they think they need to have a base for different ranks in the clan witch is so fucking bullshit

-No one-

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy
blue on black is not easy to read

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Having different bases per ranks is actually a really good idea.

Don't want the guy who joined an hour ago to know where the elite weapon caches are.

Don't want the guy who joined yesterday to know where all the vehicles are.

Don't want the guy who joined a week ago to know where the Huey is.

Never heard of your clan, but there are plenty out there - go find another or start your own!

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Well my clan 'The Hellsing Organization'. We are very organized at a time we may have 10 members in our teamspeak at once and you may think its a cluster but no. See what you need to to do is have 1 - 3 camps and any new recruits should be given atleast a couple of weeks training before being allowed to use or know where 1 of these camps are this is so if they do happen to expose 1 of your camps you will still have supplies/vehicles left elsewhere. Camps usually shouldnt be confined to one server you really need to expand so that you have other options.

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Clans should have 6 people maximum in teamspeak/vent.

Any more and it's a cluster fuck

Quality Over Quanitty Anyday and any number can be good.

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The game mechanics are working.

Remember, in a Post Apoc situation, it is not the strangers you would have to worry about, per se, but your tried and true friends.

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My clan seems to have had better days but we suffer more from real-life issues and uneven play-times than active, internal sabotage. Jdz's right though, better to have a smaller group of trusted players in Dayz so you can account for stuff better. Or just make your tents off-limits based on rank.

Also, good idea to actually form a clan around friends and people you like to play with than just people who can get good loot. It seems that a lack of motivation to play together perhaps stems from an overly formal relationship between clan-mates.

Just my opinion, though.

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