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Rick the Survivor

Hackers, Hackers, Hackers

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I start up the game after a long day, join a random US sever and as soon as i spawn in boom im dead. I was in the middle of the forest too. Ok maybe it was luck on his part. I respawn as a new person and boom im dead again, maybe really bad luck this time. Ok spawn again to see what is going on and boom dead again for the third time.

How did I die three time in a row.

A) He cheated

B) He's lucky

C) He's a genius

D) It is written

I think its A.

Bonus points if get the reference

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I wish the mods would roll all hacker threads in one big thread.

But here is the long answer:

Hacking is next to impossible to prevent in this game. That is because the game is built to allow 3rd party scripts. The game Trusts its player base, unlike other games out there that run off the anit-trust model (BF3, COD, ect). The standalone version of the game will eliminate most of the hacking issues because Rocket will have access to the source code and such.

Edited by Kommissar Pinky
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didnt you hear all the hackers got banned;;;;; oh now wait that was the legit players who got banned and the hackers are laughing at you


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Rick, I have had that happen to me a few times.

In the middle of a forest, spawn in, 5 seconds later dead. So yeah, made me question the odds of that happening (it's not like I spawned in on a hotspot i.e. Airfield, Barracks, Tents or anything).

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