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Looking to team up with some mature players.

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Ive been playing DayZ for only about a week and lovin it. My survival rate is pretty good. Tired of playing by my self. Im in the U.S. and Im looking for mature players that are casual but players. Im looking to own this mod and have a good time doing it in a team. Im 36 and enjoy good teamwork and comradery. Ive always only used TS3 in the EVE sandbox, so steam and skype are new to me (have no idea how to hook up through those channels).

Reply and lets own it!

Wolf out.

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Hey! We're a mature fun international group that loves Day Z. We use Mumble and there is usually always someone in chat playing Day Z, if you're looking for someone to hang with. If you're interested, check us out here: http://awolgaming.enjin.com

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I'm also a fairly new player. Mostly play alone because I have to get up early for work. I'm usually on from about 8-10pm pacific time. Seems the people I know that play the game are on until like 4am, which doesn't work for me, lol.

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hit me up im down to play day z

im 18 and i have team speak as well as skype

i am pretty exxperienced and enjoy teamwork as well

so hit me up on here or skype if you want my name is Kelen Whitt

and we shall play some day z

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