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An Actually Fun Hacker Story

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Well, the fact that this first "hacker" kid wasn't unkillable, shows that most of the "hackers" aren't in hacking nor in the arma scripting.

I think evrybody who knows a way how to get an unfair advantage should report it to the dev, battleeye, bohemia or any other party, which tries to resduce hacking.

posting it in forums, so that evrybody can copy and use it isn't good, neither for them nor the gameplay.

Some hackers actually don't just bust out all the crazy hacks right off the bat. Some literally just like to fuck with people.


I'm sure he was just trying to do something similar. Although I do recall a glitch that got patched 20-something updates ago that caused people to spawn in invisible. It could be back, who knows. I'm not going to give an invisible dude the benefit of the doubt though...

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The story didn't change, we logged in. Immediately a child talks to us. We shoot him twice. It's pretty easy to tell when someone doesn't die after you shoot them twice with an AS50. It took maybe a full second? Go ahead and take an AS50 and shoot your friend and tell me how long it takes you to process whether or not he died.
Yes it did and I qouted you word for word on exactly how it did. All you've done here is just talked over some irrelevant nonsense that in no way explains why you posts #10 #15 carry two very different accounts of what happened.
unless you really are some deluded type-A personality who takes DayZ far too seriously.
This line covers you behaviour in-game and on this forum very nicely. When you alt+f4 to prevent dieing and lash out and start giving a psych analysis to anyone who seems to be disagreeing with you - then yes, you are taking this game far too seriously. Good luck with that.
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Yes it did and I qouted you word for word on exactly how it did. All you've done here is just talked over some irrelevant nonsense that in no way explains why you posts #10 #15 carry two very different accounts of what happened.

This line covers you behaviour in-game and on this forum very nicely. When you alt+f4 to prevent dieing and lash out and start giving a psych analysis to anyone who seems to be disagreeing with you - then yes, you are taking this game far too seriously. Good luck with that.

You have my beans for the obscene amount of time you have obviously put into being a douchebag to make other people in the internet look like douchebags.

No seriously, that last post took you almost five times as long as the others. Trying reaalllll hard to squeeze out a couple more drops of "you're-stupid-and-I'm-the-best-at-internet" are we?

And this is why I'm going back to the new player forums. It's the same topics as these, but people realize that this isn't an arena for epeen slapfests. It's a place to share stories, ask questions, and socialize. Forums are watercoolers, not gladiatorial contests. The sooner you realize that, the better bro. You honestly have some problems.

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Just realized this is kind of ironic because I know you give kids on the shore guns. You totally could have been arming them with empty guns and dooming them to get sniped by us.

I know, it's very ironic.

I only seek to give them pistols. There's no point in providing bigger weapons with harder to find ammo. With the pistol damage downgrade, I think you'll be safe from anyone I arm, and so far that hasn't been many. Maybe spare the noobs with no weapon, or a hatchet or Makarovs? Just shoot some 50 cal near them and they'll run. I know I do! Ahhhhhhh!

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