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"Friendly" hacker on US958

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Logs show "Undead Locust"

8:18:07 BattlEye Server: Player #13 Undead Locust - GUID: 985d553d1b4fdfa305b9b7497e79fd43 (unverified)

8:18:07 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (985d553d1b4fdfa305b9b7497e79fd43) of player #13 Undead Locust

Logging in and TPing around the server handing out weapons and vehicles to players on the server. Issuing local bans for everyone that accepted gear and Undead Locust for providing the gear. Would appreciate a global ban for Locust. Not sure whether those that accepted obviously hacked gear should be permanently banned though.

~08:18:07 -> ~08:42:41 time on the ViLayer.com hosted server US958.

Example of conversation from logs:

8:20:24 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: SUP BROS

8:20:30 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: YOU READY FOR SOME FUN

8:20:34 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: I ain gonna kill ya

8:20:37 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: Need a car?

8:20:52 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: can ya hear my mic?

8:20:54 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: im friendly

8:21:04 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: AWW

8:21:10 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: well I can spawn you guys a car

8:21:13 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: or a heli

8:21:14 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: yes

8:21:26 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: Im what you know as a friendly hacker

8:21:41 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: ;3c okay then

8:21:44 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: wait a second

8:22:02 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: have fun

8:22:12 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: I know ;3c

8:22:17 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: yes I am

8:22:35 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: I'll give you 2 helis


8:32:59 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: lucky day huh?

8:33:07 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: Who would think a friendly hacker would show up

8:33:16 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Skavok: lol nice man

8:33:45 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: need anything?

8:33:54 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: I can give you a set of wheels

8:34:08 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Skavok: lol alirhgt

8:34:23 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Skavok: what ya got

8:34:46 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: a motorcycle sound humble enough?

8:34:56 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: its fast off and on road

8:35:00 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: and safer than a helicopter

8:35:02 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Skavok: sounds perfect

8:35:33 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: okay

8:35:39 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: run for it

8:35:47 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: head that way

8:36:34 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: have fun

8:36:37 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: be safe

8:36:41 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Undead Locust: good hunting STALKER

8:36:45 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Skavok: lol goodluck!

I'd pull the console log but ViLayer's interface is being problematic. If more information is needed please let me know.

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hey twyst.

just so you know i was going along with this guy until he left.

check the logs as soon as this dude left i took the bike up the road hid it in some trees and logged off.

There was also a not so friendly hacker later that evening(maybe around 1am). Teleported everyone to black lake and commenced killing everyone.

Might want to check the logs for that to

Edited by Kovaks

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The teleport was a bloodbath for those who didnt logout quickly. Those who did were able to chat at the server screen. One of the dayz forum mods was also there that night we all got teleported.

As for the "friendly" hacker, think about it long enough Twyst and you'll understand what the motivations are for his behavior. Among other things, he wants admins to focus attention away from the real problem, the hackers and scripters. In a perfect crime, someone else takes the fall.

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I fail to see the justification for local banning of people who were accepting gear from a stranger. You're telling me you wouldn't take gear from a guy handing it to you, simply because he made it?

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The teleport was a bloodbath for those who didnt logout quickly. Those who did were able to chat at the server screen. One of the dayz forum mods was also there that night we all got teleported.

As for the "friendly" hacker, think about it long enough Twyst and you'll understand what the motivations are for his behavior. Among other things, he wants admins to focus attention away from the real problem, the hackers and scripters. In a perfect crime, someone else takes the fall.

Or maybe he's just a guy that got sick of getting mass teleported to random places and having his last 10+ hrs nuked to smithereens by a script wielding child, so he has taken it upon himself to justify the use of a hack himself for what he might consider 'good' reasons.

I think you may be over estimating the methodology of these cheaters. I highly doubt even 0.1% of the DayZ 'hacking' population are sociopathic enough to plan what you describe.

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Yes, that was me Bane1. I can verify the teleportation incident. I did also find a motorcycle in the woods randomly and joy rode on it for a while till I wrecked it.

I did not encounter this friendly hacker that night though.

I logged out as soon as I noticed I was teleported.

Had fun chatting with you fellows in group chat.

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I don't think you can really ban someone for accepting hacked gear. I mean, Id rather have a hacker tp to me give me gear and go away than tp to me offer me gear i refuse and he kills me which isn't much different than him tping to me and just killing me. hackers can be twisted individuals better to play along with one if he offers or logout.

(that is if theres not an admin on to handle the situation. otherwise, id just play along or logout.)

Edited by MacMcdonald

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I don't think you can really ban someone for accepting hacked gear.

You are correct.


This rumour has no basis to it whatsoever.

Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself.

The fishy place is where a player is making an actual exchange for the items and knows they were hacked in. I do not know of a specific quote pertaining to this.

Rocket's quote is in reference to a player who killed a hacker (of other player with these weapons) and found the weapons on him. he was asking if he would be punished for using them.

As for players actively saying, "Yes, please. I would like some hacked items from you, Mr. hacker." I don't know.

It would have to get ironed out in a report or ban appeal were a precedence on the matter could be set.

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It's always best to play along with the mad man wielding the gun. Unlike a hacker, I can't just create all my gear back ;).


Anyways since this post has gone up the server has been hit multiple times every night now with server kill scripts and teleports.

I played on this server for the last month and not a single hacker until this thread was made

Edited by ballzfernando

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