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Stonecold (DayZ)

World permadeath

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Player permadeath is something that I was eagerly awaited in video games since forever. The concept could be pushed a bit furher though.

Place a nuclear bomb in a random place on the map.

In order to activate it one would need to find lots of schematics, electronic parts, specialised tools and what not. It should be lots of things, so that in order of find all needed components one would need a group of people. The parts would also need to originate from one server, so uppon logout those parts would need to be deleted from ones inventory (use tents for safekeeping).

When activated the bomb would have 24h countdown, in which time it could be aborted by using exactly the same set of items as needed for activation.

When the countdown is up BOOM, everyone dies, all the items on a server get deleted, the server is restarted.

Would be probably the most griefing game mechanisc in the gaming history :cool:

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Sry double post for problem with the server

umm i can't delet it

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Sweet. Reminds me a little bit of what happened in HellMOO. I would probably not have it kill everyone though, but rather have it/them as a tactical nukes (assuming they can be assembled correctly from parts on mil bases) or dirty bombs (easier to make, I.E.D style, from a subset of the full tactical nukes components) with the upshot that certain areas of the map become irradiated and people need to start being aware of radiation sickness etc. Think geiger counters, iodine pills, sourcing clean water/animals etc.

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So while I'm asleep, a group of neckbeards with nothing better to do besides troll blows up my character?

No thanks.

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Fallout 4?

plus nukes cause a good amount of lag, and radiation and their is no way to tell where the nuke blew up at so you can't tell where the radiation is.

Agree with JudgeX, no thanks

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