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a question about tents

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been playing for a couple weeks now and me and a couple friends finally decided to start a small camp. we have a tent we're trying to place and we've tried MANY places to no avail. we took the tent to place it above krasnostav and that didn't work. we took it to the mountain territory above berezino and that didnt work either. we literally tried soooooo many places, even in the middle of a clearing on flat ground with no trees close. at times it wasnt even letting me place it down on flat cement. like wtf???

i tried the "take a few steps back and try again" trick and that didnt really help me out. what can i do?

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It's not "take a few steps back and try again" - try it while you are taking a few steps.

See this video for help:

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Ok, well I just keep spamming "pitch tent" as I run around like a mad man.

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