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Product placement

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Get sponsorship from big corporations to have their products feature in the game.

Coca Cola, Nike, Heinz, Mc Donald's, etc etc

Obviously that last one will have lots of overweight zeds hanging about.

Edited by RoastLamb
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Yep. Just about to put the same suggestion in myself as I have been meaning to for a while.

Rather than asking permission to have products in the game sell the placement. I usually hate this concept since it normally feels intrusive in a move or game that someone is pushing their wares but Dayz is the perfect place for it.

When your character is dying of virtual thirst what would be a better advert for a drink company than a virtual Coke to quench the thirst.

The only restriction I'd give is that the effect not be more than the generic or at least already have a fixed distribution of effectiveness.

One advantage will be that the game will always feel up to date since the billboards and other remnants of society will be advertising current products.

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Would have to set the game in a timeline where no matter how "modern" a product is, it's always enough in the future that the billboards look old. :thumbsup:

I would still like localization of the food and drink labels. Give me "Irn Bru" (Made fae girders) over "Mountain Dew" any day.

I've never had a mountain dew IRL, not keen on trying it either since every time I drink one in game, I'm dead 10 minutes later.

And I can't remember ever dying after drinking Irn Bru. In fact I'm sure I haven't died yet.

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There is a meeting I would love to sit in on ...

Pepsi sales rep : "So everyone wil carry a Pepsi around and drink from it?"

Hall : "Yep."

Pepsi : "But the Mountin Dew will be a rare iteam?"

Hall : "Very rare and valueable."

Pepsi : "But no one will drink it or trade it because ????"

Hall : "All the players say it's cursed! You have Mt. Dew on you, death will follow you, man!"

Pepis : "..."

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I don't see a problem with it. The only issue I can see would be coke not wanting to share the game with pepsi and vice versa.

It's amazing the effect that product placement has though. I was at the supermarket the other day and I actually bought a can of Heinz Baked Beans for the first time in my life ever!

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I don't see a problem with it. The only issue I can see would be coke not wanting to share the game with pepsi and vice versa.

It's amazing the effect that product placement has though. I was at the supermarket the other day and I actually bought a can of Heinz Baked Beans for the first time in my life ever!

Shitz good!

Good protein, + many varieties. :P

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Tellin' ya, Branston beans are the boy like. Heinz sauce is too thin. (It works best if you imagine "thin sauce" is some kind of terribly hurtful insult)

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I don't see a problem with it. The only issue I can see would be coke not wanting to share the game with pepsi and vice versa.

It's amazing the effect that product placement has though. I was at the supermarket the other day and I actually bought a can of Heinz Baked Beans for the first time in my life ever!

I did the same thing. It appears exactly as in game as well, don't know if that is the standard internationally though. Product placement can be localised like Google Ads too so people will see their own country's products which will give them something to relate to in game.

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