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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application

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Yup server probably crashed, even if I'm not sure because when I refreshed the list on 6launcher it was already running and 30/30 people in.

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I can confirm that "Respawn" does NOT fix the issue. Attemped several times on different servers, problem persisted.

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Name: Cassp3

Player ID:19287494

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Got it today after a server crash, haven't changed anything myself. All my mates can still play except for me. Really getting on my nerves.

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Nope' date=' I did not loot hatchet/crowbar/shotgun/shells/whatever.

I was hiding in a barn in FR2 servern heard shooting outside, hid on the 2nd floor with M4A1 CCO SD, kicked from server or lost connection (without warning and server was still running, so I assume kicked), tried to log onto a different server (because of the potential threat of other players), could not log in with the error message (still had my kills when I hit "i"), tried different servers, no more kills when hitting "i".



might be me


Player ID:23555334

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+1 Nothing usefull to add.

Edit: does seem I can get into some servers. it's weird that some people can still play on the non updated servers tho.

Meh, thems the breaks!!!

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I have the same problem with the latest 94103. I was joining servers with that beta patch - doesnt work.

Any suggestions ?

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Does any of you have the anniversary edition of arma 2? I.e. Arma X.

I do. Same problem with the latest 94103

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i got the same problem ...im trying 2 reinstalll all right now ...hope it will help,if not i dont know nothing else 2 do -.-(was playing the last 2week fine ,till yesterday night) pls helP!

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i have arma X also :( atm im reinstalling all i guess it wont help like this sounds ...ill post id after install pls pls help ...only have 1and a half days left 2 play befor job starts!

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It seems like the issues are with the X-version of the game. There's also a bigger thread for this (should be at the top of the forum page or close to it with about 32 pages. Try posting your ID (new ID with beta patch should be the same number +AX added to it, check profile to be sure) there to keep bumping it. Hopefully this will be fixed shortly.

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