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Trading for an M4A1 CCO SD

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Hello! Since these things are a pain to find, I'm wondering if anybody is selling one (with/without ammo, I can find some) in return for some other nice gun. I can offer an FN-Fal with a few magazines, also an AS50 with two magazines (not both, one or the other). Post on here if you've got an offer because I probably won't notice a PM, then we'll hook up on steam and find a server to meet up on, thanks! :)

By the way, are there any rules about this, i.e would I be able to report someone on these forums for doing a fake trade? Also, are trades easy to do in DayZ or do people tend to run off with the items? I'm pretty new to this stuff. Cheers.

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It all depends on who you meet up with. Some will want to kill you for your gear, others won't. If you're going to do a trade then your best bet is to take a couple of friends for backup (as snipers I mean, no point in all of you entering a field to do a trade just to get shot). If you don't have any that play DayZ, try looking for a trade thread on here, or just a couple of people to team up with. Good luck to you sir, though I have to say after owning one I think I will be swapping mine out for an L85A2 AWS. But only because I already have an M9SD, so my silenced needs are met.

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Ill take your as50, although my m4a1 sd has only 2 mags, is that fine for you?

skype: kisoniukas20

steam: kisoniukaz

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Dont trust kisoniukas i was trading him night vision goggles for a SVD camo But apperantly He killed me while i was logging in and Just dont trust him hes a scammer And I will be posting to trade list that he is. DONT TRADE WITH KISON HE WILL SCAM.,

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