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Admin Abuse - DE9

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Server Name: DayZ Zombie RPG - DE9 ( place2be - visit myp2b.de (Powered by DAO.NU) - http://www.gametrack...

(Your) Timezone: GMT + 1

Date/Time: 10 / 8 / 2012 - 3am

Server Administrator('s): Clan place2be (www.myp2b.de)

What happened:

Server Admins found our Camp with chopper and stole it (not seen) - joined in the game - they landed next to our camp, where i joined into the game - Killed them - wanted to bring our chopper back - Server restart - after joining kick because of high ping (ping was around 30ms) - rejoining - respawn on another position in the middle of the map?!


https://www.dropbox....admin abuse.mp4

# they did a server restart because the got owned

# they spawned me on another position (possible ? - cheats? - bug - i wasn´t offmap)

# the day before they also did a server restart without any warning, because they maybe lost something

spend alot of time to repair the chopper and create the camp - welcome do dayz :)

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jesus thats sick, you definatly got proof there, very lame of those guys.

I wonder how they did cheat like that tho cos admins like me who host the server can't teleport people like that. must be on their own hardware and did a roll back of a previous backup. that's my guess.

nice shooting btw I hope you are never my enemy :lol:

Edited by Filip VDM

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# they spawned me on another position (possible ? - cheats? - bug - i wasn´t offmap)

that happened because of the patch. before you would have been spawned in debug forest , but this patch make you spawn at a respawn playe at the coast or for the lucky people in novy sobor.( it is a bug)

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I'm server-tenant of DE9.

Thank you for your report here.

Unfortunately, I wasnt online at the moment when this action was taken, but you got a good and clear evidence.

I have to explain something, so that no misunderstandings arise:

In our DayZ-Group, I gave adminright to a few guys a while ago, so they can handle problems when the other admins are not online.

Now one of them seemed to abuse his power and managed to injure the reputation of our server and gamingcommunity place2be.

Another possibility could be, that it was a sheduled restart (server restarts every 4 hours; this countdown resets with every manual restart.) or it was just a crash. But this is way to improbable.

I promise all of you, that I will take action and penalize the wrongdoer

The position-shifting was not a action taken by a admin. Admins are not able to teleport players to different positions. This must be a bug caused by the restart right after your login.

Not your fault

And of course, I want to apologize on behalf of the whole team for this disaster.

I hope, we can welcome you again on our server in the future.

I'm wating for a response.


Vendaar - DE9 Admin

Edited by Vendaar
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I can confirm that on the odd occasion after a restart/new character creation (upon death) you do spawn inside that house in Novy. It's happened to me about 3 times over the past few weeks on multiple servers. always the same building. So thats not the admins.

You just had bad luck.

FYI in the future try to get in the hele from the other side...

But yeah that server restart was uncalled for for sure. but that hele gunner must have been blind or something, he sees you shoot his friend on the ATV and he's like "herp derp"

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thanks for your reply vendaar.

allright the respawn thing in stary sobor is cleared (bug), but the other thing with the server restart wasn´t automatic restart, sry.

so give us our chopper back, u can steal it the legal way :)

@ Filip VDM: thank u!

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OMG this is just rediculous.

This is happenening very often on DE 9. Iam Admin of DE147 and me and my mates are sometimes switch to full server to raid citys.

Last time we did this. We shot down a chopper directly over Elektro. Then we got ghosted by place2be member (we shot 6 of them before) and the server restarted without a warning.

And we hear similar story of an other clan, thats is playing on our server now for these reason. And if u read a little bit in this forum u will see, that DE 9 is the server with the most entrys of admin abuse (german Server)

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after a serveral unsuccesfull times of searching those DE9 Server- threads i just found one.

The topic was that one player may use cheats cause the author gets at the top of the highest building in cherno shooted by a sniper.

And if u know that sometimes just all the stuff isn´t visible, a server restart fix it.

That´s why a lot of times the server restarts without any warning.

The rest of restarts is mostly everytime against laggs.

That´s why a lot of members play @ this server cause the perfomance is one of the best!

and i shoot the Helicopter in front of the school in electro!

-just a normal member of DE9

and nobody likes serverhoppers just for raids!

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