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Make the nights brighter!!!

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Night's can be pretty dark and foggy but the nights are so dark that you can't even see anything and that's just dumb why pay for a server that's up 24/7 when you can't even play on them like 7h every day!! I like playing later at night and i have to play on american servers and that's not fun.

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HDR maxed with contrast and gamma maxed = same brightness as day . except it is in black and white :)

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Some people like the darkness of night.

You can probably find a nearby server running on daytime times.

Also, running holding a glowstick helps a little, torches/flares if you feel like letting the server know where you are.

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If you don't like night go to a day-time server, don't use gamma exploits.Is it so hard to understand that if you play a nigh-time server is because you want to be harder to see?

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Everyone spawns with a flashlight, use it. This game is also a simulator so expect some realism.

I agree.

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not to mention if everyone can just see at night then that makes having night optics (nods/nvgs) pretty useless... the whole point of finding NVG's is so that you now have an advantage at night just like IRL.

Also I'd like to add no one is forcing you to play on US servers, and if you own your own server you can choose your day/night cycle and GMT-+ settings to have it day when you are available to play. Find a daytime server and stop QQing

Edited by Acix

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Well flash lights are awful in this game my 10$ flash light i have had for like 10 years works way better and he like throws the fucker around you still can see shit but every one else can see you. And torches are even worse and who likes not being able to see the door out of the room your in!!!

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Well flash lights are awful in this game my 10$ flash light i have had for like 10 years works way better and he like throws the fucker around you still can see shit but every one else can see you. And torches are even worse and who likes not being able to see the door out of the room your in!!!

The standard flashlight you spawn with can light up at least 200 meters and if you don't want to throw it around you should just walk.

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No offense, but there are times i wish they made humans brighter, atleast bright enough to use search that's all, they don't have to turn into sunlight bright Einsteins...

I actually checked this last night where i live, well i was standing at my window smoking, there was about half a moon and some clouds, so please be so kind to stay up till about 2am this weekend, and take a look outside to see how dark it realy is. then compare it to the darkness in the game, OHW! and do pay attention on whether there are clouds infront of the moon, both IRL and Ingame, to experience how dark it gets...

Edited by L0G!N

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I for one don't think it's "realistic" with pitch black night. I've been to some pretty remote parts of the world to, and it rarely get's pitch black. However, I find cloud-less and moonlit nights to be enough night brightness.

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I love the nights. It's very immersive, not to mention if you have the balls or are secluded enough to pop a flare, it looks beautiful. Nighttime brings in a whole other element to surviving, really.

So nah, I don't think they should make it brighter. Besides, I think it's good enough as is. I can see pretty well at night even without light sources. But still, you spawn with a flash light. Simple enough.

Edited by Deremix

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The lighting engine that DayZ will be using (arma 3's Real Virtual 4) will improve upon this quite a bit.

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This is the first time someone's ever suggested that night be brighter, thanks OP.

Seriously though, use flares or chemlights or play on a server that has some moonlight otherwise stick to day servers.

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Yeah night is redictulously dark i don't like it ether so i dont play on night-time servers :)

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No offense, but there are times i wish they made humans brighter, atleast bright enough to use search that's all, they don't have to turn into sunlight bright Einsteins...

I actually checked this last night where i live, well i was standing at my window smoking, there was about half a moon and some clouds, so please be so kind to stay up till about 2am this weekend, and take a look outside to see how dark it realy is. then compare it to the darkness in the game, OHW! and do pay attention on whether there are clouds infront of the moon, both IRL and Ingame, to experience how dark it gets...

I love the night time in DayZ. Even without NVGs on a nice moonlit night you can make out targets out to a hundred or so metres.

And like you said how cloud cover affects the lighting in the game is very well done. I've been playing on hardcore server where you can only play first person with no crosshairs and the immersion is just so thorough I've stayed up way too late too many nights now...

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  • In the city at night you can manage your way around without many light sources, but you are on open land where theres no light except the moon. Have you ever been out in the country at night? It's dark, very dark.

  • Go find a light source of a pair of night vision goggles.

  • You can't change the entire game for everyone els simply because you're scared of the dark.

  • Go play on a daytime server.

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I for one don't think it's "realistic" with pitch black night. I've been to some pretty remote parts of the world to, and it rarely get's pitch black. However, I find cloud-less and moonlit nights to be enough night brightness.

Then you haven't been to a lot of places. When the moon is not shining through it's pitch black outside. Go to northern sweden at fall, you can't even see your own hands sometimes.

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If you don't like night go to a day-time server, don't use gamma exploits.Is it so hard to understand that if you play a nigh-time server is because you want to be harder to see?

Using in-game settings the way they were intended isn't an exploit...

Edited by mZLY
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But you aren't using them as intended. It gives you an ideal "set brightness until this standarised box shows on your screen in your current lighting" and that is what the intended amount of lighting is meant to be. If they meant everyone to play at max gamma, max brightness, they'd set it to that by default.

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Then you haven't been to a lot of places. When the moon is not shining through it's pitch black outside. Go to northern sweden at fall, you can't even see your own hands sometimes.

I'm from North-Norway...

I like being out in the dark. Reason: It's exciting. I was affraid of the dark when I was young, so it became kind of a challenge. But after a while of even extreme darkness, the eyes adjust and you see a lot more. A lot more than in this game, that's for sure!

Edited by kebman

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Dude it's the same time of day on the servers i play on as in real life and i could find my way to the supermarket from my house with no flashlight no problem but in game i can't see 2 meters in front off me.

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