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Instant teleport WTF [FR 155]

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I was playing with two friends, and at a certain point we telported in a military camp. I saw a dozen of coachs flying in the sky. We've lost all equipment execpt tools (hatchet, toolbox ecc.); but there was a dude with M4 and he kill everyone. My friend tryied to slay him with hatchet but was immortal.

The day before has happened the same thing, I was alone and I teleported in Eletrozavodsk, three players in a clan kill me instantly.

What the hell is happened? I mean those are cheats, sorry for my bad english, bye bye! ^^

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You got hacked by some moron who thinks he's funny. Nothing can really be done.

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Damn, we had a good equipment.

P.S.: The "Abort" key was locked.

Edited by The_Greed_ITA

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Yep, I also play with all my friends (10ish) on FR 155 for weeks. We had a nice camp until lastnight we saw a guy flying with a helicopter at our base and he went away after 1 shot, but when all of us were offline he came back. I shot that guy, he had a AS50 TWS, so he cheats. My reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/y1o97/fr_155_french_cheater_on_a_toast/

Also, 2 persons with the tag [RBX] or something like that, one was called GRIZZLY, were helping that guy

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I was there too today, it was just a teleport or he nuked all? cause I hear explosions while logging off o.O At last I didn't die...

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Don't know, 2 of my clan were into that teleport-situation, one of them managed to Abort, one died. The one aborting reconnected 3-4 hours later en found around 12 dead people, he didn't take anything from anyone as his backpack was full anyway ^^. Cheaters really fucks up this game, today for the 2nd time, all our vehicles exploded

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We have some troll(s) again, we're getting stalked, again probably the same cheater who I shot at our base, he went to our base and dropped a AS50 TWS in one of our tents >>

We also know that you guys stalk us alot, taking cars etc (clan ITA), we also know your base but can't be arsed attacking as we already have a cheater also against us. I just hope it's nobody of your people, but I assume it isn't

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