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Tytanis Banlist - Updated 9/7/2012

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SuperTurtle (XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX) 3da6325bebdc8bd69edbe05ecf89e979

cody (XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX) 220c5248700701e32698f4f0b4743ae6

Ben (XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX) bf3e9c4957b3aa6e02fca9f7723a4c3a

Limpbagel (XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX) da75b9c6630eaa37941d71fed83773ec

Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe

Loyepop (x.x.x.x) b299e42395fc223f65628fc4de981768

Drakus (x.x.x.x) bbd7b901d134dae9f6bcb0325ba0057e

Cody Bush (x.x.x.x) 42fb5c6f5b473887aeb8274a14e3eddb

Andres (x.x.x.x) b1c6dfd19877776d18a5c678d632c51a

Bobby (x.x.x.x) 24c442136da986cc908d2c73bb0e6270

ZdayKyle (x.x.x.x) 5027c67fbe4a1deef1d246d1899c68b5

нки\| (x.x.x.x) 73104f926422fcb76406d95a7113ea07

паладин (x.x.x.x) cf51424bc390b5b02c553bd5d3f8eabe

пожилой (x.x.x.x) 1f5b786b084563be2c365f04568a4c93

ا?عرب?ة (x.x.x.x) 8dccd7afeadecb3af85376d6231da98d

06.08.2012 21:51:13: SuperTurtle ([b]XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX[/b]) 3da6325bebdc8bd69edbe05ecf89e979 - #43 leInit _strExecCode;
clearVehicleInit player;
bInvisibleOn = true;
hint "Your
06.08.2012 21:51:13: SuperTurtle ([b]XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX[/b]) 3da6325bebdc8bd69edbe05ecf89e979 - #55 ';

player setVehicleInit _strExecCode;
clearVehicleInit player;
06.08.2012 21:51:16: SuperTurtle ([b]XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX[/b]) 3da6325bebdc8bd69edbe05ecf89e979 - #1 ddMagazine "ItemBandage";

sleep 2;

player addBackpack "DZ_Backpack_EP1";

(unitBackpack player) ad

_id = player spawn spawn
07.08.2012 19:14:29: cody ([b]XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX[/b]) 220c5248700701e32698f4f0b4743ae6 - #35 player setVariable['lastPos',0];
player setposatl [1077.39,14663.7,0.00250244];

10.08.2012 11:49:18: Ben ([b]XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX[/b]) bf3e9c4957b3aa6e02fca9f7723a4c3a - #35 "player setVariable['lastPos',0];
player setposatl [9457.15,1817.44,0.00189209];"
10.08.2012 11:49:20: Limpbagel ([b]XX.XX.XX.XXX:XXXX[/b]) da75b9c6630eaa37941d71fed83773ec - #35 "player setVariable['lastPos',0];
player setposatl [9457.54,1817.61,0.00187492];"

26.08.2012 10:17:01: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "{ if((name _x) == 'Mr Hatchet') then { _x hideObject ; }; } forEach playableUnits;"
26.08.2012 10:17:01: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #8 "{ if((name _x) == 'Mr Hatchet') then { _x hideObject ; }; } forEach playableUnits;"
26.08.2012 10:20:56: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 10:34:57: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 10:46:40: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 10:54:44: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"
26.08.2012 10:54:44: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #8 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"
26.08.2012 11:01:19: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 11:02:31: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 10:21:50: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 10:22:06: Mr Hatchet (x.x.x.x) 171f2cb0b765b6b640f1e5364fea04fe - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 10:48:20: Loyepop (x.x.x.x) b299e42395fc223f65628fc4de981768 - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"
26.08.2012 10:48:20: Loyepop (x.x.x.x) b299e42395fc223f65628fc4de981768 - #8 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"
26.08.2012 10:35:19: Drakus (x.x.x.x) bbd7b901d134dae9f6bcb0325ba0057e - #0 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '4871236') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"
26.08.2012 10:35:19: Drakus (x.x.x.x) bbd7b901d134dae9f6bcb0325ba0057e - #8 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '4871236') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

25.08.2012 13:02:08: Orlyy (x.x.x.x) 5d1df9431e1a6d7e2147df517e578a02 - #0 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '47468422') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"
25.08.2012 13:02:08: Orlyy (x.x.x.x) 5d1df9431e1a6d7e2147df517e578a02 - #8 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '47468422') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"
26.08.2012 09:47:22: Cody Bush (x.x.x.x) 42fb5c6f5b473887aeb8274a14e3eddb - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 09:57:28: Cody Bush (x.x.x.x) 42fb5c6f5b473887aeb8274a14e3eddb - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 01:23:31: Cody Bush (x.x.x.x) 42fb5c6f5b473887aeb8274a14e3eddb - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 01:43:51: Cody Bush (x.x.x.x) 42fb5c6f5b473887aeb8274a14e3eddb - #0 "beeeh = this"
26.08.2012 10:22:05: Andres (x.x.x.x) b1c6dfd19877776d18a5c678d632c51a - #0 "TitleText [format['One of these days, Alice...Pow! Right to the MOON!'], 'PLAIN DOWN'];
player setPos [1234, 5678, 900];

cTargetPos = [1234,5678,800];
_pos = [(cTargetPos select 0), (cTargetPos select 1), 800];
PLANE1 = createVehicle ['C130J', [(_pos) se"
26.08.2012 10:22:05: Andres (x.x.x.x) b1c6dfd19877776d18a5c678d632c51a - #3 "tPos [1234, 5678, 900];

cTargetPos = [1234,5678,800];
_pos = [(cTargetPos select 0), (cTargetPos select 1), 800];
PLANE1 = createVehicle ['C130J', [(_pos) select 0,(_pos) select 1,500], [], 0, 'FLY'];
cpbLoops = 2;
cpLoopsDelay = 0.13;
for '_i' from 0 to"
26.08.2012 10:42:07: Bobby (x.x.x.x) 24c442136da986cc908d2c73bb0e6270 - #0 "
if (isServer) then {
_object = createVehicle ['Ikarus', [10183.1, 1606.54, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 7510.79, true];
dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];
_uid = _object call dayz_object"
26.08.2012 10:42:07: Bobby (x.x.x.x) 24c442136da986cc908d2c73bb0e6270 - #3 "
if (isServer) then {
_object = createVehicle ['Ikarus', [10183.1, 1606.54, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 7510.79, true];
dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];
_uid = _object call dayz_object"

07.09.2012 14:20:01: ZdayKyle (x.x.x.x) 5027c67fbe4a1deef1d246d1899c68b5 - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"
07.09.2012 14:20:01: ZdayKyle (x.x.x.x) 5027c67fbe4a1deef1d246d1899c68b5 - #8 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

Edited by Tytanis

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Not calling you a liar or anything, but if these are local server bans (and NOT BattleEye global bans), then publicizing players' serial keys is probably illegal. It would've been a better idea to PM this information to Rocket or BattleEye.

Again, not calling you a liar but if these players ARE innocent, then you just gave everyone access to play on their accounts. :s

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Not calling you a liar or anything, but if these are local server bans (and NOT BattleEye global bans), then publicizing players' serial keys is probably illegal. It would've been a better idea to PM this information to Rocket or BattleEye.

Again, not calling you a liar but if these players ARE innocent, then you just gave everyone access to play on their accounts. :s

GUIDs are not serial keys. BattlEye GUIDs are hashed serials.

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because nobody on earth would know how to use "unnamed pre-installed windows program" in order to modify their key files now would they.

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нки\| (x.x.x.x) 73104f926422fcb76406d95a7113ea07

паладин (x.x.x.x) cf51424bc390b5b02c553bd5d3f8eabe

пожилой (x.x.x.x) 1f5b786b084563be2c365f04568a4c93

ا?عرب?ة (x.x.x.x) 8dccd7afeadecb3af85376d6231da98d

Banned for nuking the server with vehicle spawns, killing all players, aimbot and having no lives.

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