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The NA

The [NA] Recruiting

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What Is The [NA]:

The [NA] is a DayZ group which has been here since the start and now we are recruiting. If your looking for a more concentrated sqaud based type of gameplay were the group for you. In the [NA] we work as a group and work for the strength of the group and not for our own needs.

How We Operate:

We will noramlly operate in fire teams which consist of 2 snipers, 1 LMG gunner, 2 riflemen, and one SD gunner to support the rifle man. This provides us with greater diversty when it comes to dealing with situations. We will ask you to pick one of these roles before we go out on ops and stick to it however you can swap around when the time is right. This also brings us round to loot. Loot is distributed accordingly to whoever needs it and for whatever role there in.

What Will I Gain From Joining [NA]:

Joining [NA] will give you a much better group experience in DayZ making it easier to achieve great things. Personally my faviroute part about being with the [NA] is the firefights you get in 8 on 8 guys across the airfield or a stary is a much great experience than one poor guy with a whiney getting sniped.

Check out one of our fights:

What We Are Looking For:

Skill is not the issuse here skill can be taught and we do training excercises for new groups. What we are looking for is people with good personality and people who are just good to mess around with.

How Do I Join:

Currently our website is down so just leave a comment here with as follows:




Then hit scotsman up on TS:ts3.xh4wk.net:9994


Edited by The NA
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Are you guys generally friendly or are you guys more KOS?

We work off a threat system if your a threat to the group ie going into the atc where one of our guys are were gonna take you out but if we have the upper hand and we can warn you we'll tell you to get out before we shoot you. Im against PKing just for the sake of it so to answer your question no we dont just kill anyone and everyone who isnt on TS.

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