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Sudden Influx of Hackers?

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Has anyone else noticed that 85% of servers have hackers who either...

- teleport everyone to one point, have a mass party (uncontrollable), then shoot everyone

- teleport everyone to the sky and watch as they plunge to their doom

- Have hacks that allows them to be invincible from gunfire

Is it just me or is it all of a sudden there is a sudden spike in hacking?

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My friend, its not sudden at all. Its been going on for a long time.

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Can you please for the 1000th time SEARCH THE FORUMS for threads like this and contribute to them instead of making another "Hacking" post? Please I beg of you...did you ever stop to consider there are 1000 other posts like yours? Perhaps you could take the time to read and use search filter before posting the same thing as 100 people before you all day long. Thank you.

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That's the main reason why I'm temporary leaving DayZ. I'll be back when they make a major update and reduce the hacking by at least half.

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Can you please for the 1000th time SEARCH THE FORUMS for threads like this and contribute to them instead of making another "Hacking" post? Please I beg of you...did you ever stop to consider there are 1000 other posts like yours? Perhaps you could take the time to read and use search filter before posting the same thing as 100 people before you all day long. Thank you.

How many of your posts are a copy and paste of this?

That's the main reason why I'm temporary leaving DayZ. I'll be back when they make a major update and reduce the hacking by at least half.

They won't. Just accept that when you log in you'll probably be dead by the time you stop playing for that day, completely out of your hands via hackers. I usually die 4x a day to them, either dropped from the sky, invisible angry 13 year old, god mode clowns etc. BE is completely useless and Rocket will not stop the hackers as the game currently stands.

Edited by itputsthelotion
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85%? how did you calculate that, i am curious

did you join 100 servers and died 85 times to a hacker?

this is interesting.

lets learn something about basic science methods.

Edited by Azrail

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It depends on the server and when you play.

I play during morning, weekday hours (US), and I am particular about my server choices.

I've never seen, been bothered by or had to deal with any scripters.

I HAVE found obviously hacked weapons, but that's it.

I'd suggest that there are rough criteria that you are encountering that might be avoidable:

Time that you play (toughest to adjust, usually can't do much about this)

Server choice (the more players, the more audience for the scripters ego)

Admin awareness and participation (is the server effectively just sitting there without admin monitoring of any kind)

Luck (yeah, it sucks sometimes)

As for myself, I just help out here and there with the forums. Since I've been fortunate, I'm able to have fun playing. It's quite obvious that there is a lot of frustration overall, and everyone is aware of it.

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Yes i have seen other posts, i am simply making my own thread.

In fact now its well over 90% of servers i join have some sort of hacker or scripter.

I've been playing for a while and only recently (past couple of days) seen a dramatic increase in hackers.

I'm simply asking if anyone agrees with me or has noticed the same thing

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Yes i have seen other posts, i am simply making my own thread.

In fact now its well over 90% of servers i join have some sort of hacker or scripter.

I've been playing for a while and only recently (past couple of days) seen a dramatic increase in hackers.

I'm simply asking if anyone agrees with me or has noticed the same thing

It depends on the server and when you play.

I play during morning, weekday hours (US), and I am particular about my server choices.

I've never seen, been bothered by or had to deal with any scripters.

I HAVE found obviously hacked weapons, but that's it.

I'd suggest that there are rough criteria that you are encountering that might be avoidable:

Time that you play (toughest to adjust, usually can't do much about this)

Server choice (the more players, the more audience for the scripters ego)

Admin awareness and participation (is the server effectively just sitting there without admin monitoring of any kind)

Luck (yeah, it sucks sometimes)

As for myself, I just help out here and there with the forums. Since I've been fortunate, I'm able to have fun playing. It's quite obvious that there is a lot of frustration overall, and everyone is aware of it.

thank you for your help.

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It depends on the server and when you play.

I play during morning, weekday hours (US), and I am particular about my server choices.

I've never seen, been bothered by or had to deal with any scripters.

I HAVE found obviously hacked weapons, but that's it.

I'd suggest that there are rough criteria that you are encountering that might be avoidable:

Time that you play (toughest to adjust, usually can't do much about this)

Server choice (the more players, the more audience for the scripters ego)

Admin awareness and participation (is the server effectively just sitting there without admin monitoring of any kind)

Luck (yeah, it sucks sometimes)

As for myself, I just help out here and there with the forums. Since I've been fortunate, I'm able to have fun playing. It's quite obvious that there is a lot of frustration overall, and everyone is aware of it.

Try running your own server and see how many hackers you get - dont talk utter shit other wise.

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It depends on the server and when you play.

I play during morning, weekday hours (US), and I am particular about my server choices.

I've never seen, been bothered by or had to deal with any scripters.

I HAVE found obviously hacked weapons, but that's it.

I'd suggest that there are rough criteria that you are encountering that might be avoidable:

Time that you play (toughest to adjust, usually can't do much about this)

Server choice (the more players, the more audience for the scripters ego)

Admin awareness and participation (is the server effectively just sitting there without admin monitoring of any kind)

Luck (yeah, it sucks sometimes)

As for myself, I just help out here and there with the forums. Since I've been fortunate, I'm able to have fun playing. It's quite obvious that there is a lot of frustration overall, and everyone is aware of it.

What server do you play on and at what time?

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