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carnage88 (DayZ)

bosses / special infected / or monsters

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i want too make clear this is just an idea.

but what i miss in this game if cooperativ "missions"

because i find that too many players get bored really fast im litery getting shot at by every one.

ofcourse im doing excactly the same.

my idea then is, give us some npc bosses too hunt who random walk the map

like special infected, uge monsters or something like that.

this will most likely get people togetter too hunt for the big guys.

at the same time the result will probably be that you wil get less player killing and more cooperative gameplay too take down the big guys.

this is probably makes the game more fun.

just an idea.

let me know what you guys think.

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I'm all for optional side missions but I really dont think there should be special infected or "boss" infected at all. Sorry but it's a no from me!

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Duuuude no...

I understand the L4D has big ol bosses (FUCK YOU TANK..FUCK YOU!)

But a game like DayZ does not need it, what it need is zombie hordes :D


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not that we would be special infected.

im suggesting some kind of new experience.

like when you walk through a forrest and suddenly would see a "boss"

you will know you arent able too kill it by yourself so you would need help.

thats the moment when i would call for help and tell where it would be at.

more players would probably come and experience that we actually need eachother.

but then again just an idea guys ;-)

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like when you walk through a forrest and suddenly would see a "boss"

Need to define boss?

All I can think of is tank :P

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you can devine boss as you want.

it could be a npc chopper

it could be a big ass troll

it could be infected anymals escaped from the zoo

or just a sick npc person with one of kind gear.

i could keep going on for a while but hope you'll get the idea know

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you can devine boss as you want.

it could be a npc chopper

it could be a big ass troll

it could be infected anymals escaped from the zoo

or just a sick npc person with one of kind gear.

i could keep going on for a while but hope you'll get the idea know

I see what you mean now...

I think what you mean by bosses is random encounters... like in resident evil you have that army (cant remember name) that kills everyone and everything lol.

I suggested this couple weeks ago where they unleash a few 10's of dozen well armed soldiers onto the map to "contain" the outbreak including players, they dont re-spawn but will hunt down zeds and players alike?

But super zombies is a no no in my opinion :)

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I can see where some of you are coming from, but I literally laughed at the thought of having Resident Evil monsters in DayZ. That would be horrific and ruin the entire thing! Same for things like bosses. Try think more small-scale. I've always liked the idea of more military areas such as bunkers, trenches and maybe even some armoury which only 1 of exists in the map containing loads of exclusive equipment and weapons. Perhaps these rare military areas could contain some type of more powerful zombie which comes in large quantities, maybe hazmat-suit zombies or some sort of bullet-proof armour?

Basically, adding a more powerful type of zombie to give the game some variety but still keep to the realism would be great. I say, hazmat-suit zombies!

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