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Hacker on US 1526

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I got teleported on US 1526 to the edge of the map with a guy waiting to kill people after he teleported them and died. I respawned and got a remmington from the firestation and decided I would go back on the server and try and kill him when he teleports me, but failed (although he didn't kill and now I'm stuck in debug plains with no respawn option >.>) and it said Decide friendly fire on US 1526 so if anything could be done about this. I didn't get to print screen though I was to slow and it faded away.

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Yup this server is just chuck full of hackers I was there earlier today and think there were atleast 4 or them on pretty funny all of electro or cherno cant remember was on fire kept spawning Dirt bikes, police cars, and boats didnt really kill anyone pretty funny really.

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I witnessed it too. I actually took a fraps video of it, but didn't know the guys name. My friends were able to get their bodies back though because EVERYBODY left and the hackers did to I guess.

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Yeah couble of friends of mine were just playing on " US 1526 " and we all got telported we quickly Alt F4'ed but we lost one man, theres been alot of hackers latey on the server i would recommand a admin online or something on the server.


Edited by TheReaper1712

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Yeah same,

I alway used a ALT + F4 to quick to closed the game. we couldn't find out of who is teleport or kill all players


Edited by Mischeif33

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